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Showing posts from October, 2009

All Hallows Eve Soap BOX!

Okay I know that Halloween in the christian world is a pagan holiday. If you do the history of Easter and Christmas well they are pagan in origin too. So with all that said.... I LOVE HALLOWEEN! I love dress up and CANDY! I love the excitement of trick or treats, decorations and running around at night. When do kids get to run around at night? NEVER! Does dressing up and letting my kids make me less of a christian? I think not. Where is your heart is the question? I mean every church from here to Chattanooga was having a fall festival of some sort on October 31st. Just because you change the name doesn't make it different. If you call a duck an elephant it doesn't make the duck different! To me that is worse, trying to make something what it is NOT. Call it what it is, HALLOWEEN! I mean Easter is named Easter after the Goddess Estra. Are Christian going to start calling Easter something different? Really it is about the heart. Always is, always will be. Call...

GREAT Grandma Jane

I don't have many pictures of the kids with my grandma or pictures at all because grandma wasn't here for very long. My grandmother likes to shop. Which was great for us, but not real conducive to picture taking. We got shirts, jeans, pj's, socks, scarves and so much more. Just had a good time shopping, eating and going to church. I have to add my best shopping find was a $28 purse for $2.80. That is right $2.80. I asked the cashier is that right because I thought it was half off. She said "Yes, it is on sale." My grandmother had me run and get her one. We have matching purses now. Best thing is it is the same exact color as my last purse (decided I will carry a red purse until I die). My signature? Very excited to get a great deal on something I need, but hate to buy. I am always in sticker shock when purse shopping. I looked at Dillard's a few weeks ago when Karen was here. The one I liked was $250.00! All that to say, if my $2.80 purse only las...

Adult ADD in Blog Form.....

We have officially been in Alabama for over 6 months. Seems like days, yet years. I am still at peace with everything and our decision to move. Although I miss so much, this area is just lovely. We have and will be busy until the end of the year with visitors. Karen came the Madison's fall break which was nice for her and me. I just tried to stay out of the way and let them do whatever they wanted. Which included Alexandra's birthday cookie for breakfast, doughnuts for dinner, and other wacky things. What are grandma's for right? Don't have many pictures of the kids with Yea Yea. The ones I do have I don't think Yea Yea would appreciate me posting. This Friday I am picking up my grandmother in Chattanooga, TN. Can't wait! The drive is my favorite and it is almost peek fall foliage. I can't forget the camera! We will be stopping along the way home. The following weekend Mark is driving the Birmingham to pick up a friend. I told him that they wi...

Fab Five

Five is big, five is monumental, five means kindergarden is right around the corner. Alex is five.... sigh. Alexandra Jane is my middle child. We tell her she is special because she is the only one that is a little sister and a big sister too. That is not the only reason my Alex is special of course. She is shy and quiet. She is the one that doesn't say much but when she does it amazes me how her brain works. She got two of the same birthday card and was so excited she got twin cards. When she got the purple goldfish Webkinz for her birthday she said, "another twin" for my birthday. She named her Dora. Very cute because the other one is named Dory. Not upset she already has one, but content to have two. How cute is Dory and Dora? She also got a real fish for her birthday. His name is Ned. Yes, Ned. Her room is mermaid and underwater. She is the only child in this house that almost everyday takes in upon herself to feed the dog. She wanted a fish. I prefaced...