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Showing posts from April, 2010


We are days away from celebrating Nathan's fourth birthday. I have to register Alex for Kindergarten on Friday. I am a little sad and yet happy with all this growing up going on around here. I am so blessed let me count the ways (I'll try to keep it short).... 1. My grandmother visited us for a week. I am blessed for my grandmother to still be with us and able to visit. Not every kid gets to know their great grandmother. We had a great week. 2. My kids are healthy. For those that do not know someone with a chronically ill child let me say it puts healthy in a different light. I am not only blessed to know this family, but also blessed that it make the "normal" a blessing. I do not take this health for granted! I know that life is unpredictable and that anything could happen. For now I am blessed to have such healthy kids! We just had a well visit for the girls. Alex had to get her eyes checked. They found that she is a bit farsighted. The eye doctor said ...

The unexpected email....

I had to ask myself this question yesterday, "what was all that about?" You know the saga of life, the answers that just don't line up, the frustration, the plan B though ZZ, and the waiting. When the answer finally comes and you are dumbfounded about everything you had to put up with in order to get it. My questioning was because of a very unexpected email yesterday. I wrote the Alabama Department of Education on Feb. 25th. I had given up all hope to get the answer I needed, let alone the answer I wanted. I called the call center for certification a few times on Feb. 25th. One lady actually said to me "I talked to you earlier today." Eek! I hit a brick wall after a few phone calls and then went to email because in a reply I would have to get my answer in writing. When all my hope in getting an answer was gone I got an email in which I got the following reply... "Please see the attached document. The 60 month requirement has been removed; theref...