We are days away from celebrating Nathan's fourth birthday. I have to register Alex for Kindergarten on Friday. I am a little sad and yet happy with all this growing up going on around here. I am so blessed let me count the ways (I'll try to keep it short).... 1. My grandmother visited us for a week. I am blessed for my grandmother to still be with us and able to visit. Not every kid gets to know their great grandmother. We had a great week. 2. My kids are healthy. For those that do not know someone with a chronically ill child let me say it puts healthy in a different light. I am not only blessed to know this family, but also blessed that it make the "normal" a blessing. I do not take this health for granted! I know that life is unpredictable and that anything could happen. For now I am blessed to have such healthy kids! We just had a well visit for the girls. Alex had to get her eyes checked. They found that she is a bit farsighted. The eye doctor said ...
"...you never know what you're gonna to get" ~Forest Gump