Today as I am driving the girls to art class I was thinking to myself these things.... How long will I have to drive around town to do it thoughtlessly. What I mean is when you grow up in a town you drive around without much thought. You don't have to pay attention to every sign. You know how to get to the main roads and without much thought can say what cross street you are stopped at without looking at the sign. Another thing I then thought about is when will I stop driving around town and think to myself how I don't live in St. Petersburg anymore and that this in not "my" town? It seems so strange to be in North Alabama at times. We have been here since April of last year. We bought our house a year ago tomorrow. July 1st was our closing! So I dropped off the girls and went to run errands and went to the places I now consider "my" stores. Hobby Lobby at Jones Valley, Chick-fil-A on Whitesburg. All foreign words to some of you, but these are ...
" never know what you're gonna to get" ~Forest Gump