We just are settling in from being gone for over two weeks. What a great time we had. Our whole excuse for going to Florida was my cousins wedding. I decided if I was driving the 13 hours then I was staying until Grandma kicked me out of the condo on the beach. Well, she would never kick me out so that could have been a problem. I kinda like taking care of 1,000 squares on the beach. I was ready to be home in two weeks, so I didn't have to get an eviction notice from Grandma. Mark stayed a week in Florida and flew home to work (love him!) and we stayed and played. We visited with a lot of family (Nathan got very confused). My aunt, your great aunt, grandma/great grandma. It was enough to make ones head spin! Then we tossed in friends and a playgroup. I can't believe that we started a play group over five years ago and how much kids grow in five years! I then went Orlando on my way to Jacksonville to visit Aunt Ruth and Uncle Frank for lunch and then on to Jacksonvil...
"...you never know what you're gonna to get" ~Forest Gump