As I read this resource this quote explains so much of my past nine years as a mom, " The Gifted Child. No individual can be more exhilarating, or more frustrating. The parents and teachers who deal with these wonderful children can often be described in a single word: Exhausted. The gifted child can speak as an adult one minute, comparing the emotional relationships in Les Mis with relationships in her own life, or discussing potential conflicts between evolution and the bible, and in the next minute throw an impressive tantrum because she didn't get what she wanted... right now! She can have you in awe of her theories on accelerated space travel, or pulling your hair out in frustration over her argumentative refusal to do her part in everyday chores." Now I will say we don't have discussions on Les Mis or accelerated space travel. Although we have had some crazy discussions in this house from time to time. One that stands out is ho...
" never know what you're gonna to get" ~Forest Gump