Finally an exception to the law, sort of an exception. I got THE phone call today. Alex is officially going to third grade next year. I guess the proper term is double promotion or grade acceleration. Whatever they want to call it I am pleased. It took a long time. She will not only go into a grade where she no longer stands out physically but she will also get to start the gifted program. So many changes in the coming year. She blushed when I told her she was going to third grade. So cute! Tomorrow is my birthday and I will be going into my 36th year with a smile on my face knowing that we had a major victory for us within the public school system. I do feel like this is a victory for us. For three years we have known that she was not a typical 4, 5 or 6 year old. It took a couple years of school and lots of testing to get to today. It took persistence and lots of patience. The road has been long and we have had a victory for our kid to get what she needs within the public scho...
" never know what you're gonna to get" ~Forest Gump