New topic but ranting again (just thought I would give you fair warning). Accelerated Reader. A blessing or a curse? I love that my kids can read. I love that Accelerated Reader motivates my kids to finish books. I don't like the ridiculousness that goes on behind good intentions. My kids school gives them a range to read between and they have to get so many testing points a semester. It is part of their reading grade. I don't agree with grading recreational reading. Studies show grading recreational reading it is causing kids to NOT be life long readers. Isn't that what we want? Yes! I also want my kids to be better readers but there is a fine line between becoming a better reader and having a person who can read but doesn't. Accelerated Reading tests do few things for the teacher. It tests the kids on comprehension and it gives points based on the level of the book. For example my oldest is reading a book right now that if she gets all the answers c...
" never know what you're gonna to get" ~Forest Gump