On our 13 hour car ride to our new dwelling place I had to drop Mark and Delta off at the Chattanooga airport to get his truck. He flew from Chattanooga to St. Pete to come home to drive with us to our new digs. Chattanooga is the closest airport other than Birmingham (1.5 hours away) that flies directly to Tampa/Saint Petersburg. The Chattanooga airport is two hours from our new house. This meant that I got to drive by myself with the kids for the last two hours of the very long trip. Of course all the kids fell asleep, which is not good when you are leaving your hometown of almost 30 years. First time on the trip it was quiet. Most days that would be a blessing, but this Sunday was not the case. I needed noise to keep my mind from thinking about all that was happening.
So what does any girl do in a time like this? I called my mom. One of the few times I am thankful for the invention of the cell phone. The drive from Chattanooga to our house is so pretty and there are so many trees that are so different from Florida trees. I told my mom I wanted one that has all white flowers on it. My mother tells me that the tree is a dogwood. Born and raised in Florida I had no idea that there are so many flowering trees in spring.
Apparently Madison was awake and listening to my tree conversation. When we finally arrive to our rental house Madison says to me, "Mommy I found one of those trees". I asked her what she was talking about and she said "one of the trees you want is in the backyard." GOD WINK! I had no idea that our new house had one in the backyard. It is the ONLY tree in the backyard and it is so pretty. I can see it from the dinning room and kitchen. The laundry room is in the kitchen too. I spend most of my time in this area of the house. It is nice to get the little unexpected pleasures in life.
that is a great way to put it!
God is soo good!