Where did the week go? Just last Thursday we where picking up Karen at the airport and now it is the following Saturday. So much has happen over the last week. Nathan turned three, Karen came up for her first visit, our area is in panic swine flu mode and all schools are closed in the entire county, It started to rain Wednesday night and hasn't really stopped, trapped in the house for the second day in a row.

Last Friday was Nathan's third birthday. Three, can that be? I think this is my favorite birthday picture because it shows what Nathan is all about right now. Guns and swords. He now has his own personal arsenal. Not sure what he is shooting, but he sure looks serious. 
Friday night we dared to go out to a real restaurant with all three kids. I'm not sure if you all know the Rainforest Cafe story, but about two years ago Mark swore we would never take the kids to a restaurant that didn't have a drive thru. We have eased up on that in recent months, but taking all three kids six and under to Outback could be an awful experience. They were the best and we had a great dinner. We also had gift cards from our anniversary and Mark's Birthday which made it all that much better. Dinner for six on someone else.
Last Saturday we went back to Monte Sano Park for a hike. It was warmer and we had a nice walk. Nathan lasted much longer on the 1.2 mile hike than I thought he would. Karen, Mark and I all got a chance to carry all 35 lbs of him. I got to take some pictures of more of an artistic point of view being with two other adults. I really need to make time for just me to go and practice but here are a couple of my favorites.
Karen was here through Monday afternoon which left me with a lot of time on my hands. More than I have had in the past three weeks. I read an entire book! The kids had a blast and didn't fight for almost four days straight and were spoiled by their Yea Yea with time, love and a few gifts.
I was spoiled too. Mark and I went out to eat, just the two of us! We also got to do some shopping kid free and we got to meet with our realtor (again without the kids) and be the looky lou's for a change. We really are just looking to get an idea of where we would like to be when we do sell. It was nice not to get in and out of the car without the kids. Little things that take so much time.
The highlight of this past week was I bought three Cricut cartridges for my new Cricut and was like a kid waiting for the package to arrive. My life is so simple right now and I am finding great joy in the ever so simple, mail! Feel free to drop me a card or note or even mail me a book. I have lots of time on my hands.
I have become a recluse and it is easy to do when you don't know anyone. Swine Flu or H1n1 so we don't offend the pigs has not confirmed by the CDC but is believed to have been found in a local school here. All schools in the county are closed, recreation centers, kids museums, all kids related activities and all athletics have been canceled until Monday. We are encouraged not to let the kids play with other kids until it passes. I feel like the efforts to contain this are futile. On the flip side I got the flu last winter and really don't care to have a flu of any kind ever again. Mark is our messenger and provider of all that is essential.
So glad Karen could spend some time and help you out, she's an angel!