I was a little bothered at first that I am not going to be on the loan for the new house. Not because I want to be or that I wanted to sign a ton of paper. I will be on the title which is what matters. Here is the kicker, I don't make any money therefore I don't have to be on the loan. OUCH! I might not make money but my contribution to this household is not so black and white. I don't really care to sign paperwork needlessly, it just rubbed my fur the wrong way.
There is this ornery side of me. That was your warning. Here it comes...... The boastful side AKA pride that wants to say, hey wait I have a masters degree. I can get a good job. I am capable of income. What do people think I do all day FB, blog, and eat dark chocolate. I do have three children that have to be cared for almost 24/7, it's not like I sit around all day and do nothing. I deserve to be on the loan even if I don't make any income. That is where GOD strikes me down and says "all this I have given to you". I am blessed to not have to sign on the dotted line. I can get all worldly and act like I am something with all my this and that, but it is all His and I am blessed beyond measure.
So once I was wasn't bothered AKA humbled, I shouldn't be bothered but instead honored. For almost 7 years my husband has proved for us so that I don't have to "work". Someone has to work and Mark is the one that choose to do the work that makes us money. There are the obvious reasons like he can make more than I can. The reason I am able to stay home with my kids and see them almost every minute of their lives. That might not seem like a pleasant idea for some, but for me I can't image having to go back to work before they start school. I wouldn't trade my 7 years of potential income for being able to sign some loan papers.
I have more than I ever imagined, more than I need, more than I even want, for that I am grateful and humbled.
Col3:23 Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men