Plans get you into things but you must work your way out. ~Will Rogers
This is so the truth with our new house. I am so thankful that Mark got to go to work today. I am so tired. I needed a break. I don't even care to go to the house today.
Things just take so long. Mark hates plumbing, but he hates spending money on things he can do. So this weekend he replaced a toilet and kitchen faucet. Started to redo the guts of the girls toilet and filled the tank, flushed, and the water ended up all over the floor. Wrong part! It was Sunday and Home Depot doesn't always have what you need so we had to wait until today to go to a plumbing store.
Then there is the reason he started to do plumbing and not the laundry room as planned. Let me show you....
This bedroom wall shown shares a wall with the garage laundry room. My idea was to put in a door into the laundry room. This room is the only downstairs access to the pool and will never be used as a bedroom anyway.
I painted both girls rooms this weekend while Mark as groaning over plumbing. Alexandra's room took one coat. Madison's is on coat three? Only because the trim needed to be done again and I can't trim without rolling. Hind sight, wish I would have bought the self priming Behr paint! I am so thankful that the sellers painted all the walls tan and all the ceilings in order to sell. I don't have to do any other room in the near future. Nathan's room is up for debate. Not sure where to go with his theme, space. Mark has given me the okay to paint one wall black or navy. Not sure I want to go there.
Murphy's law ~ if you call someone and they don't call back call another company and then you get the return call from the first company.
Meeting the AC guy tomorrow, fireplace guy and electrician Wednesday. Things that need to be done before we move in. I'm not sure how general contractors do it every day. I have money to burn and people will not call me back.
Oh and we can't find someone to move the piano upstairs.
I have tried to be humble with this house, but let me just say that it is big and the kids get lost in it. How funny this that? I tell them to go to the kitchen and they say "where is that?" There are two ways to get to the kitchen and Nathan only remembers the one way. So cute. After this weekend I started to wonder if we got in over our heads. I think that Mark and I have so much planned and we are the do it now kinda people that is is a bit overwhelming. It will get done in time. I have to remind myself of that. Time, just give it time and all this work will be a faded memory. At least when my shoulder and knee stop hurting. (Knee is a new one, think it is the blasted stairs.)