We have officially been in Alabama for over 6 months. Seems like days, yet years. I am still at peace with everything and our decision to move. Although I miss so much, this area is just lovely.
We have and will be busy until the end of the year with visitors. Karen came the Madison's fall break which was nice for her and me. I just tried to stay out of the way and let them do whatever they wanted. Which included Alexandra's birthday cookie for breakfast, doughnuts for dinner, and other wacky things. What are grandma's for right? Don't have many pictures of the kids with Yea Yea. The ones I do have I don't think Yea Yea would appreciate me posting.
This Friday I am picking up my grandmother in Chattanooga, TN. Can't wait! The drive is my favorite and it is almost peek fall foliage. I can't forget the camera! We will be stopping along the way home.
The following weekend Mark is driving the Birmingham to pick up a friend. I told him that they will have to take the kids trick or treating. Hopefully they will be able to go out and catch a World Series game. Maybe? I like baseball and watch it, but have no idea the proposed schedule for the series. They both love baseball so that would be nice.
November is busy too. Nana is coming back via Birmingham and then Marks dad might come for Thanksgiving. Looking forward to all the visitors. Anyone is welcome to visit us!
So, why the drive Chattanooga and Birmingham. Well, we have moved to a small city and we do have an airport with just five commercial airlines. The least expensive being Delta AND all flights go to Atlanta for a layover. SO, Chattanooga and Birmingham both under 2 hours away are the least expensive places to fly direct into and the closest cities to us with an airport. I don't mind because there is zero between here and Chattanooga. Two lane highway through mountains. Zero traffic until you hit the city limits.
Have a lots to say so moving on.....
I have lost all motivation! I am having a hard time completing tasks and feel like I have adult ADD! I only got one task 100% done yesterday.
I kinda laughed today at myself because of the stores I know how to get to. Publix, Wendy's, Target, Walmart, Toys R Us, JCPenny, Build a Bear, Chick fil A (both of them) MC D's (both of them) STARBUCKS which neither have a drive thru and one is in Target and last but not least Hobby Lobby. The Michael's crafts is just too far! They will have to have a rockin' sale to get me over there.
Thank you for all the people who mail my kids packages and such. They love it!
I had a conference with Maddie's teacher today. She is a straight A student and is tops in behavior. The teacher said we didn't "need" a conference, but he has to do them. I enjoy them because even though she is a good kid I learn things about her. For example: Her teacher pays them money for a reward. Each Friday they can spend their money in the classroom store. My child will not spend her money. How funny is that? Apparently her and another boy are in a race to have the most money. Her teacher said most kids say "how much do I have and how many suckers can I buy." he said they will walk away with 16 suckers (southern for lollipop) and give them away. When it is Maddie's turn she says "what did J do?" Her teacher said if the boy passes then she says "I pass too." apparently neither of them have spent a dollar this year. So like her daddy. I would be the kid with the lollipop's passing them out to my friends.
Another thing I learned today is she is afraid to fail and will not do Accelerated Reader tests because she doesn't want to and she doesn't have to do them. HA! I told her teacher you might say she doesn't need to take them, but she will start taking them! Her excuse is she will not pass them..... EEEKS! Her reading although ahead of the class is not improving. Silly girl will only read books she likes and not the ones her teacher wants her to read. UGGGG! How do you argue with a good kid that makes good grades?
3 words ~ Zhu Zhu Pets (this could be a whole blog)
Love the new bed by the way. Sleep like a baby. Might be because I am also downstairs away from the kids and can't hear much.
Going to TN next week for a field trip with Maddie's class to a pumpkin farm. They said I could take Alex and Nathan so I am going!
Car circle is my personal war! Called the school Monday to complain about the person that PARKS IN THE CAR CIRCLE 10 MINUTES BEFORE SCHOOL STARTS! Just lost all chances of getting a job there. Kidding! I was gracious and merciful. Just wanted to point it out to an adult (that you never see in car circle) that someone is blocking the circle three times a week.
Working on getting my Alabama teaching certificate. "working on it" as in I got the paperwork and it is sitting on the china cabinet. Thinking about going back to work next year. If all the stars and planets align. Madison's school has a public Pre~K and Nathan can go "If" I work there. All three in school and I get a pay check. Not bad. Just have to land a teaching job at their school. It will work out if it is meant to be, right? Of course. Have a couple of tests to do and go through the whole process.... I need to start that like two months ago!
Still working on the laundry room. Almost ready to paint. Not sure when the floor will get done. Which reminds me my roof is fixed but they never finished the gutters The fence guy and the chimney guy never called me back. I am just so frustrated with trying to get people here to do work! What recession? Apparently no one is going hungry around here.
Well, I must get back to my mommy chores. Grandma is going to be here in less than 48 hrs and all I have done is clean the bed sheets. What more can you ask for... a clean warm bed is all you need right?
Teacher conference....fun.
Beautiful drive and seeing the colors...I'm jealous.
Going back to work.....no fun. Give yourself some time to go on field trips and stuff. Just my $.02!