We are days away from celebrating Nathan's fourth birthday. I have to register Alex for Kindergarten on Friday. I am a little sad and yet happy with all this growing up going on around here. I am so blessed let me count the ways (I'll try to keep it short)....
1. My grandmother visited us for a week. I am blessed for my grandmother to still be with us and able to visit. Not every kid gets to know their great grandmother. We had a great week.
2. My kids are healthy. For those that do not know someone with a chronically ill child let me say it puts healthy in a different light. I am not only blessed to know this family, but also blessed that it make the "normal" a blessing. I do not take this health for granted! I know that life is unpredictable and that anything could happen. For now I am blessed to have such healthy kids!
We just had a well visit for the girls. Alex had to get her eyes checked. They found that she is a bit farsighted. The eye doctor said this is normal and she doesn't require glasses yet. Alex is off the chart tall, really off the chart. The girl is going to be a tall drink of water. You heard it here first! Madison is also doing well, just not off the charts.
3. We have been in Alabama for a year! A YEAR? I have to say I love it here and overall it has been a great move for us. I look back at all the unknowns a year ago and what we have now.... WOW!
4. I am blessed to be able to watch tee ball games. Mark has somehow become an assistant coach and it is just so nice to see the girls and their daddy on the same team. GO PINK PANTHERS! I have to say that laugher is the best medicine and if you need a laugh..... go watch a tee ball game.
5. Great, loving, nice, quiet, caring, helpful, sweet, thoughtful neighbors. I know just about everyone on the block. They give gifts to my kids on holidays, bake goodies for us, even my next door neighbor has learn of my love for gardening and came over with a copy of the information for the local plant sale at the gardens (I already knew this information) but how sweet to take the time! What a difference from a year ago.
TBALL - What a hoot! Jared played last year and it has to be the most entertaining activity parents can watch their children participate in.