Prompt: How would you change Alabama public education?
As a parent and former teacher I feel like there are a hundred things I could change about Alabama public schools. If I could change just three things about public education in Alabama they would be less emphasis on Accelerated Reader, an emphasis on writing and I would change how parent and teachers communicate. I feel by changing these three areas that public eduction would see an improvement in learning. Let me share with you my ideas.
First I would change the way Accelerated Reader is used in the school. I am not against the program. I think that is is being used wrong. The only thing the kids are getting from Accelerated Reading right now is how to annihilate the love of reading. I feel like it should be used to reward instead of demanding the reading to be done and point to be met for a grade.
The second thing I would change is writing instruction. This is why I chose the Florida Writes style of writing today. Alabama needs Alabama Writes. I am saying this as a former Florida fourth grade teacher that loathed at times the emphasis on writing. I now see the importance. I am at the other end of the spectrum and crave for my child to learn to write. As a parent that would like to see just one well formed paragraph. It seem that if the state doesn't demand writing it doesn't get taught.
Lastly, I would love better parent/teacher communication. Many times I feel like I find out things on the cuff. I find out because I asked or I happened to be at the school at the right time. I sometimes find out things the day it is happening. Sadly some days I find out after the fact. I know that this is easier said than done because I have been on both sides of this coin. If I went back to teaching I would do a much better job at communicating classroom goals to the parents. Our school has a website that has not been updated in years. I think it should be updated weekly or monthly. It is an awesome tool for communication that is not being utilized.
I feel like at times I am at a advantage because of my teaching background. At least I know what questions to ask. I feel like I crave these changes because I know they are missing. For today I would change the way Accelerated Reading is used in the classroom, put an emphasis on writing and improve parent and teacher communication.
Love the five paragraph essay! I remember teaching this during my practicum in fourth grade.