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Showing posts from May, 2011


We went 8 1/2 years without a kid getting stitches.  Not bad.  I hope that average gets better with time.  Nathan crashed Sunday in the indoor playroom at church.  He was riding a four wheel push car and he described the accident as, "I was going really fast and tipped over."  He now has four stitches to prove it.  I wanted to post on FB but figured it might be a bit gross.  I had to post it somewhere. He had to go to urgent care and the doctor was great with him.  Recited 10 little monkeys with him to calm him down with a story about his own son jumping on a bed.  The doctor talked him through the whole process before hand and then told him what he was doing as he did it.  Nathan was awesome.  No one had to hold him down.  I have heard so many stories from parents how it took both parents and three nurses to hold them down for stitches.  Okay maybe I went a bit far with three nurses.  Regardless, he was an awesome ...


I am amazed at the impact a dog can have in your life.  Delta was over 13 years old.  We aren't really sure how old she was because when we adopted her in 1998, she was full grown.  Mark and I got her from the Humane Society after Hurricane Georges. They sent a truck of dogs from Mississippi to our local Humane Society.  One reason why we called her Delta.  We paid $35 for her because she weighed more than I think 30 lbs.   I thought it was funny the bigger the dog the less expensive. We had her in our lives for 12 1/2 years.  Needless to say today is different.  She will be missed greatly.  She had bone cancer and yesterday was her last. I learned a lot about my kids yesterday.  I waited until the girls got home from school to tell all of them at once.  All three had a different reaction.  Madison wears her heart on her sleeve and between sobs wanted to know "more information" and then in the very next breath said, "can ou...

104 things

Okay so it might be a streach to list the 104 things I learned from not having electric for 104 hours (4 days 8 hours) but here we go...... 1.) Always get gas before a storm that is predicted to be bad. 2.) The first couple of days are the worst. 3.) Do a load of whites when you know a storm is on the horizon. 4.) An 80 gallon water heater will keep lukewarm for about two days. 5.) Empty milk jugs and rubbermaid bins make pretty good water heaters if the sun is out. 6.) A small child only needs 2 gallons to bathe, a woman 3 and a man 4. 7.) Use your iphone sparingly. 8.) Have unused craft projects on hand always. 9.) You will still try to turn on the lights on day 4. 10.) A tent will not keep your kids entertained as long as you would hope. 11.) You can brew coffee without electric (not good coffee but keeps the headache away). 12.) Have a stash of cash. 13.) You can cook eggs on a gas grill in your glass pyrex 13x9 pan. 14.) Buying in bulk can save you or sink ...