We went 8 1/2 years without a kid getting stitches. Not bad. I hope that average gets better with time. Nathan crashed Sunday in the indoor playroom at church. He was riding a four wheel push car and he described the accident as, "I was going really fast and tipped over." He now has four stitches to prove it. I wanted to post on FB but figured it might be a bit gross. I had to post it somewhere. He had to go to urgent care and the doctor was great with him. Recited 10 little monkeys with him to calm him down with a story about his own son jumping on a bed. The doctor talked him through the whole process before hand and then told him what he was doing as he did it. Nathan was awesome. No one had to hold him down. I have heard so many stories from parents how it took both parents and three nurses to hold them down for stitches. Okay maybe I went a bit far with three nurses. Regardless, he was an awesome ...
"...you never know what you're gonna to get" ~Forest Gump