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Showing posts from 2013

50,000 words

I have been reading a lot about writing. If I don't actually write my 50,000 words in November for NaNoWrMo at least have learned something about writing. I do have an idea for my novel that has me doing research. I have learned other things besides how to write fiction in the past month which is good.  I love the idea of learning something new everyday. I hope that I have enough time in November for this challenge but I am afriad that I will not be able to write as much as I want. I think this month I will sit and write a short story one day just to see how long it takes me to write x amount of words. When I look at the logical words per day I am a little nervous. If I work everyday at my novel I will have to write at least 1,666.66667 words a day. I'm not superstitious but all those 6's make me nervous! I do not want to put my family on hold for 30 days. I just can't. They would never allow it. I still have plans to go to library duty at the kids school.  I volunt...


Wearing many hats? They say variety is the spice of life. I love idioms. When I was a kid I never really understood the idiom, "the pot calling the kettle black." It was one of those ah ha moments later in life. I had never seen a black pot or kettle in my youth. Then as I learned more about history it all clicked one day.  Iron pot, iron kettle, both black.  It really was more of a duh moment.  I do love those moments of ah ha learning. That is why I went into teaching so many years ago. Just one of my hats.   Today I has been pretty busy getting all my ducks in a row. My ducks are very different looking from 10 years ago when I left the classroom to be a mother. They say a leopard can not changes his stripes, so once a teacher always a teacher. I worked hard for that hat in this life so I hang onto it just in case. It is my rainy day hat because sometimes it rains cats and dogs. I starting thinking about all the hats I wear. Some are huge s...

Coffee and Craft

Last year I decided to start hosting a craft morning at my house twice a month.  I am blessed to be a stay at home mom to school age kids that go to school. I have met a lot of mom's like myself through the years. Even though we have a lot to do while they are learning I school I feel like we very rarely take time to have fun outside of family.   Part of the reason why Coffee and Craft came about was because I have a inner drive to make my life matter.  Not just go day to day doing what mom's do because I would never have real meaningful relationships outside of my home.  I want to know the other moms so when and if we need help then there is a bond an underlying attitude that will cause me say, "Yes, I can trust this person with my kids, my greatest earthly treasure." On the flip side I wanted to know people at a level where they are comfortable with me to say to them, "What do you need? Can I cook you dinner tonight?" My wish is that they could say yes ...

Break is over!

Wow! It took me some time to log onto Blogger. I always feel like it is a test when I have to remember a password on an account. I couldn't remember the email or password. That is when you know it has been awhile.  I started a new blog on wordpress. I have been writing but it is all about crafty DIY project and organization. Someone asked me a few weeks ago if I ever use Box of Chocolates and I was sad to say, "No".  So here I am with a renewed outlook on Box of Chocolates.  You never know what you are going to get, but here I am again so at least it will be something. For a year I have been wanting to do National Novel Writing Month. It is the month of November.  The process has already started for me. I have been reading books on writing and doing research on some of the ideas I have for my Novela. Novel sounds so much better to me in Spanish. I think I have written about things in different languages sometimes just sound better. I think it was a post on my ...