Last year I decided to start hosting a craft morning at my house twice a month. I am blessed to be a stay at home mom to school age kids that go to school. I have met a lot of mom's like myself through the years. Even though we have a lot to do while they are learning I school I feel like we very rarely take time to have fun outside of family.
Part of the reason why Coffee and Craft came about was because I have a inner drive to make my life matter. Not just go day to day doing what mom's do because I would never have real meaningful relationships outside of my home. I want to know the other moms so when and if we need help then there is a bond an underlying attitude that will cause me say, "Yes, I can trust this person with my kids, my greatest earthly treasure." On the flip side I wanted to know people at a level where they are comfortable with me to say to them, "What do you need? Can I cook you dinner tonight?" My wish is that they could say yes without hesitation. Meaningful relationships.
I wanted to do Coffee and Crafts during the day because even though it is taking us away from our "job" it also allowed us to not have a babysitter or leave the kids with the husband at night. I put out a post on Facebook to see who would be interested. I was overwhelmed at the response. I though one or two ladies would be interested. I have had as many as 8 to 10 ladies at my house! We have so much fun.
We are starting our second year and I am so blessed by these ladies. I do most of the planning and getting supplies, which I love doing. I never thought that this would mean so much to them. Yesterday one of the ladies brought me a bag of pumpkin spice coffee. I am just doing something I love. Last week one brought me roses! A year ago none of that would have happened. In one short year we have a bond that is strong and meaningful. So very blessed that I can and did what my heart wanted or we would not have these relationships.
I never though I would get gifts and little tokens of appreciation for doing Coffee and Crafts at my house. I am shocked by the love but also confirms that Coffee and Crafts is exactly what I intended it to be. It is better than therapy! Meaningful relationships have been build and we have so much fun even if our projects are a bust. We have laugher and the coffee is always good.