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Showing posts from 2009

Thank You 2010

I try very hard not to base my life on my location, size of house, materials I possess, new cars or the latest fashions. It is not something that is easy for me or something I don't have to work on everyday. I have chosen my life to be about Christ and not this world. I try to understand this world in the point of view of Christ. This world is not about what, but who. Even if you are not a Christian it is nobel to do for others. I have chosen in my life to follow Christ. Not perfect, just forgiven. I chose to help organizations that are centered on the love of Christ. My main point this holiday season is to remember the who and not the what. I always thought it would be cool to start a Thank You Card movement. Not that I do things for a thank you. A thank you card just shows me that I did something for someone else that was nice, meaningful, worthy. Kinda like a report card. So my challenge to you is to get a thank you card in 2010. It doesn't have to cost you mon...

Let It Snow

I wanted to blog Thanksgiving but I was sick and honestly was not the best Thanksgiving ever. BUT TODAY is on my top ten mornings! The kids had their clothes set out ready to go this morning and we were outside at 6 am! Our first snow.


Rarely do Dr tell you the whole truth about surgery, "oh you will be back to work in a few days" right!? BUT when they say it is going to hurt they aren't lying. Alexandra has two loose teeth I already miss taking Alexandra to art class. Might sign up both preschool kids next go round. I miss friends and family terribly today. I think it is because Nana was here for almost a week and left today. All three kids are sick. Same viral cold with all having different reactions. Nathan and Alexandra have pink eye, with runny noses and a slight cough. Alexandra also has an ear infection in her outer ear. Maddie is a mess and sounds like she has smoked cigarettes for 50 years. Finally got her a narcotic cough medicine so the girl can sleep. We have antibiotics, ear drops, eye drops, cough medicine and over the counter medications. Praying I don't put ear drops in the kids eyes. OYE VE! I can't believe Thanksgiving is next week! Can't believe Christmas is...

One of THOSE days

Yesterday was just one of THOSE days. Maddie was sick, but not running a fever and desperately wanted to go to school. Alexandra had art class. So I took Maddie to school against my will, but it just made life easier. The new pediatricians office is too busy. I constantly get "all lines are busy" when I call regardless of time or day of the week. I so desperately want to change doctor's, but this is the only pediatrician office that would take us. Almost every doctor in this city is not accepting new patients. The only reason we got in was because a new doctor started in August. We got "in" with her as our doctor in June. Crazy uh? I finally get through to the office appointment after a half hour of "this line is busy" and five minutes on hold for 3 pm. Great! I will get Maddie from school and off we will go. Also this appointment time gets me off the hook for sending her to school. I then need to take Alexandra to art class. I put i...

Oct 31st

This weekend was over in a speed of light. Mark's friend Cary came to town which is nice to just catch up and talk with someone especially when they are "stuck" with you for days. It is great when people come to visit because it doesn't have to end in minutes or hours. Days of chit chat. Just the fact Mark had a guy to watch baseball with was wonderful. I like baseball, but most women just don't retain sports facts like men. Nathan and "That Dude" Halloween was fun. COLD, but fun. I think it was 47 degrees by the time we finished and got in the house. We only went a couple blocks. Nathan is still just three and I am shocked that he walked the entire time. He got Halloween this year and understands now what it is all about ~ CANDY! The boy asks for candy as soon as he wakes up. Funny thing is Sunday I said you can have candy after lunch. At 8 am he said to me "Can I have lunch?" Cute, but NO! Alex and Madison wanted to be Velma for H...

All Hallows Eve Soap BOX!

Okay I know that Halloween in the christian world is a pagan holiday. If you do the history of Easter and Christmas well they are pagan in origin too. So with all that said.... I LOVE HALLOWEEN! I love dress up and CANDY! I love the excitement of trick or treats, decorations and running around at night. When do kids get to run around at night? NEVER! Does dressing up and letting my kids make me less of a christian? I think not. Where is your heart is the question? I mean every church from here to Chattanooga was having a fall festival of some sort on October 31st. Just because you change the name doesn't make it different. If you call a duck an elephant it doesn't make the duck different! To me that is worse, trying to make something what it is NOT. Call it what it is, HALLOWEEN! I mean Easter is named Easter after the Goddess Estra. Are Christian going to start calling Easter something different? Really it is about the heart. Always is, always will be. Call...

GREAT Grandma Jane

I don't have many pictures of the kids with my grandma or pictures at all because grandma wasn't here for very long. My grandmother likes to shop. Which was great for us, but not real conducive to picture taking. We got shirts, jeans, pj's, socks, scarves and so much more. Just had a good time shopping, eating and going to church. I have to add my best shopping find was a $28 purse for $2.80. That is right $2.80. I asked the cashier is that right because I thought it was half off. She said "Yes, it is on sale." My grandmother had me run and get her one. We have matching purses now. Best thing is it is the same exact color as my last purse (decided I will carry a red purse until I die). My signature? Very excited to get a great deal on something I need, but hate to buy. I am always in sticker shock when purse shopping. I looked at Dillard's a few weeks ago when Karen was here. The one I liked was $250.00! All that to say, if my $2.80 purse only las...

Adult ADD in Blog Form.....

We have officially been in Alabama for over 6 months. Seems like days, yet years. I am still at peace with everything and our decision to move. Although I miss so much, this area is just lovely. We have and will be busy until the end of the year with visitors. Karen came the Madison's fall break which was nice for her and me. I just tried to stay out of the way and let them do whatever they wanted. Which included Alexandra's birthday cookie for breakfast, doughnuts for dinner, and other wacky things. What are grandma's for right? Don't have many pictures of the kids with Yea Yea. The ones I do have I don't think Yea Yea would appreciate me posting. This Friday I am picking up my grandmother in Chattanooga, TN. Can't wait! The drive is my favorite and it is almost peek fall foliage. I can't forget the camera! We will be stopping along the way home. The following weekend Mark is driving the Birmingham to pick up a friend. I told him that they wi...

Fab Five

Five is big, five is monumental, five means kindergarden is right around the corner. Alex is five.... sigh. Alexandra Jane is my middle child. We tell her she is special because she is the only one that is a little sister and a big sister too. That is not the only reason my Alex is special of course. She is shy and quiet. She is the one that doesn't say much but when she does it amazes me how her brain works. She got two of the same birthday card and was so excited she got twin cards. When she got the purple goldfish Webkinz for her birthday she said, "another twin" for my birthday. She named her Dora. Very cute because the other one is named Dory. Not upset she already has one, but content to have two. How cute is Dory and Dora? She also got a real fish for her birthday. His name is Ned. Yes, Ned. Her room is mermaid and underwater. She is the only child in this house that almost everyday takes in upon herself to feed the dog. She wanted a fish. I prefaced...


(Singing) Five in bed the little on said, "roll over, roll over". Well, after almost 12 years of marriage Mark and I got a king sized bed. Not because the two of us needed the room but all five of us do. I like to snuggle with my snuggle bunnies. We bought white sheets because they were cheaper than off white and I figure I can bleach them. I'm thinking that wasn't such a great idea. Until I find the perfect comforter I didn't want to make a commitment to color. Silly I know. Well the bed was pretty fun to get via UPS. It was in a small box with all the air taken out kinda like the space bags. Anyway, it was mildly entertaining to see a king size mattress in a smaller box. We got it two nights ago, but it take 48 hours for it to completely spring back to life? That is the best way to explain it. So tonight is the first night in the new bed.


Madison complimented Nathan on his coloring yesterday and he said, " I am a expert shoe colorer." Expert is his new word. Three and so very funny! The kid is a hoot. Alexandra is turning 5, all she wants is a coloring book. I love my little artist. Alexandra picked out a black bathing suit with peace signs on it. They were on sale $6.49 and $4.69, so I go some for next summer. Funny thing is that I went into Target to look at winter jackets and ended up with bathing suits? We covered the pool for the winter almost two weeks ago! Anyway.... Madison said, "she doesn't even know what that means." I said, "Do you?" She said, "Yes, Hollywood." Miss smarty pants! Mark had a conversation with a friend the other day that told him his eye center that he goes to is hiring a retinal surgeon at $700,000 a year. Later than day in the van Mark as serious as could be said something along the lines of "listen up kids, one of you has to be...


AHHHH the first day of autumn is tomorrow. I am very excited and couldn't wait just one more day to change the blog background and do a little music. This is going to be my first TRUE autumn. The leaves are changing already it is a slight difference but the mountains are starting to look different, a little less green and a little more color. Welcome Fall! If you have about 10 minutes just let the music play. Classical is good for you every once and awhile :)


Psalms 62:8 Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge . This past year has been something else to say the least. From October to October, okay not quite a year but WOWSER! Didn't see that freight train coming. I have to reflect. I have been reading my blog entries going back to October of last year. Part of me can believe it has been a year since all this started and part of me feel like it was forever ago. Daily I have to turn my cares over to the Lord, carry my cross and trust with a faith that can move mountains. Recap~ October 2008 ~ The company Mark is contracting for is a pool company and is really feeling the effects of the economy and crisis and has to cut back. Mark was not the first to go but his time is up the first week of October. November 2008 ~ hint of a job in Raleigh NC. The person hiring has to wait until January to see if they get a contract or not. Very surprised at the lack of jobs in the Tampa area...

No End In Sight!

It has been so long since I posted last. Things have been mighty crazy around here. I'm not sure where to even start but for my readers (if I have any left) I felt like I should update. Over the past three weeks... Still trying to get the house fixed from the trees falling on the house. It is take way too long! We buy a house that is 45 years old that needs a lot of work and trees fall on the "good" parts and now we have more to do. Typical? New roof in 2007. The roof was just about the only thing "new" about this house. On a brighter note the laundry room has an official door into the house. I laugh because that was supposed to be the July 4th weekend project. Um, it is September 8th. Mark is having some medical test run for symptoms that could be serious. So far so good, but more test need to be done. Which is also time consuming and has slowed down house repairs. So prayer for Mark would be loverly. We really think it is nothing serious but early detection is...

Moon In My Room

Nathan is a little intense in this video. Kinda like car circle ~ video camera comes out and kids act all crazy. He is really into space. I know it is because we moved to a town nicknamed "Rocket City" and we have year passes to the Space and Rocket Museum that we do use (and can get friends in too if you visit, my little plug for company). He told me yesterday he has never been in space but he wants to go and that he thinks it will be fun. Who didn't or doesn't want to go to space? So with out further adieu here is Nathan and his new Moon in My Room.

Roll Tide (little AL humor)

WARNING ~ I am going to be that kind of parent for a moment. My four year old, almost 5 is reading. Yes, it is wonderful! Here is the problem for me, the state law doesn't require K and that they have to be 6 on or before Sept 2th to start 1st grade. THAT IS THE LAW! Just doesn't seem right that it is so black and white. Not 5, so NO!?!?!?! Doesn't matter if you are 5 on September 3rd and ready. We can't go to private K and then transfer because she will still only be 5 on Sept 2nd in first grade. K is not mandatory so the law is age 6 in first grade, doesn't matter that she turns six on October 6th or that she would have already completed K. What does this mean for my Alexandra. Well she will be reading at a first or second grade level in K or we BAN books. We are looking into an alternative. I understand laws are needed, but there are some laws that hinder the greater good! My 4 year old (almost 5) that can read can't start school because of THE...


Lots to tell since last post. Where to start? The Rays Vs Yankees games seems like years ago. We had a great trip to Florida. We got to see the Rays play, spent time with friends and family, boat ride, rainbow, beach, pool, sunsets, breakfast pizza, shopping and scrapbooking of course. This was cool, rainbow in the clouds blue sky?! We where on the boat. I am not sure if the water had something to do with this. I will do a "vacation" slide show later. Friday a week ago we got the dreaded phone call from the realtor. We were at my mom's house and Mark's cell rang and I could hear him say "which tree?". My heart sank because you just know it can't be good. Little did I know that both maple trees in our front yard had fallen in a wind storm Thursday night onto the house. The damage is minor considering the size of the trees. We hadn't owned the house for a month! It got us an extra day in Florida because we didn't have electric and the ele...

Row 7

Wow! Mark soiled us last night at the Rays vs Stankees game. We were just seven rows back from the dug out. We had a great time and now we have a new standard for ball games.

Cut Off

Well AT&T had no problems cutting off the phone service to our rental on Saturday at 10 AM sharp, but took their time getting us hooked back up with phone and internet at the new house. So much has happened since I posted last where to start? Wednesday, July 15th Mom flew into town! YEAH, nana is here, nana is here! Thursday, July 16th Just hanging out with Nana. Friday, July 17th I am another year older! I am officially 30 something. Not 30, just 30 something. We went to Build-A-Bear for my birthday. Funny thing is I had a blast even though it was for the kids. It was for the kids right? That whole process with three kids all at once was well CRAZY fun and we didn't come home with one bear. We came home with a bunny, horse and dog? I also have to say my husband is a hoot. I told him not to get me anything for my birthday. He did just buy me the house of my dreams. Anyway, he bought me a Jack Johnson CD and put it on my seat in the van with a note that said " s...

Mt. Everest

Things are slow going at the house. The laundry room will get done, but not how or when we expected. In almost every home project things happen you didn't expect, like a new 80 gallon water heater. It was in the laundry room and Mark decided to move it and well we just bought a new one. The laundry room was my idea so I can't say it was a bad idea. I still think it is a great idea just had no idea what I was saying a the time. Plumbing ran all up and down that wall and side to side like spaghetti in a bowl. Of course you don't know this until you take down the drywall. Have I told you Mark hates plumbing? He is a DIY mad man. Okay imagine between the two black drain pipes will be a door. So the dryer vent (big tube in the middle of the mess) had to be moved. Again not easy! Mark figured it out. Had to take out some wood spacers via the ceiling. (already missing, so not a big deal) He got a new tool so all is good right? Before After There is a difference a...

House Randomness

Electrician was out today to upgrade the electric box, run a wire via attic through an upstairs closet, through the floor into the garage for Mark. Mark is very happy. Who knew all he needed was his own electric box in the garage. Tomorrow they will be back to hard wire smoke detectors in all bedrooms. Hope they remember there all those wire go. I'm not sure it matters. I think they just hook them up and then tell you what room is what. The new box is in now. Nathan liked all the wires hanging down and I always have a scrapbook in mind, so I took a picture. Have camera will travel. I asked the electrician to change all the outlets and light switches and he told me it would be $68 an hour plus parts and that it would take two guys four hours to do the work! WHAT? I said, "Are you sure it would take that long?" He said, "You have a big house ma'am." He basically was very nice and saved me $300 + dollars because Mark can do it and we will. None of ...

Plans = Work

P lans get you into things but you must work your way out. ~ Will Rogers This is so the truth with our new house. I am so thankful that Mark got to go to work today. I am so tired. I needed a break. I don't even care to go to the house today. Things just take so long. Mark hates plumbing, but he hates spending money on things he can do. So this weekend he replaced a toilet and kitchen faucet. Started to redo the guts of the girls toilet and filled the tank, flushed, and the water ended up all over the floor. Wrong part! It was Sunday and Home Depot doesn't always have what you need so we had to wait until today to go to a plumbing store. Then there is the reason he started to do plumbing and not the laundry room as planned. Let me show you.... This bedroom wall shown shares a wall with the garage laundry room. My idea was to put in a door into the laundry room. This room is the only downstairs access to the pool and will never be used as a bedroom anyway. here is the p...

Our House

Let me just say I have been waiting for us to close on the house to tell you this story. We officially closed yesterday and now have a new to us house. It is a silly story on so many levels, but it is my story that I want to tell. Lets go back to the beginning of the year or about that time. We knew moving long distance was going to be almost inevitable. I started to price houses in many different cities where Mark was applying for jobs. We just wanted to see what we should be prepared for. Our house was already on the market and it was a matter of time before we would have to move somewhere USA. I remember finding this house and telling my scrap buddies one night about my most recent find. I was in awe of this house. It was more than I ever wanted but what I always daydreamed about. I thought of the price was remarkably low. I remember showing my car pool friend the specs and the price was just crazy low compared to Florida. I commented to my mom that if it was meant to be...

Work in Progress

This weekend has been long. Started Friday at 7:15 am with a delivery of roofing material, a call (in which I had to make) told me the roof was being done on early Saturday morning, broken AC, an evening with a phone call that said we wouldn't be able to close on the new house on Monday (tomorrow), Roof banging for two days, the "normal" church on Sunday, a phone call to my grandmother to find her not in 100% health and has ended with everyone in bed, but me. So here I sit contemplating the weekend and just life in general. here is what I am thinking...... The house although it appeals to my senses is senseless! as in definition #2 (esp. of violent or wasteful action) without discernible meaning or purpose . Well it has a little bit of purpose as in we need a house but it is just a house! I have a lots of people to call tomorrow because of one person? It is amazing to me how one person can cause so much havoc. It only takes one and there seems to always be that...

Soap Box

I have so many random things going on. I need to vent, soap box, just write it down. Enjoy! UPS delivered a great check today. Profit from our house sale. Wish they delivered these kind of checks everyday. AT&T sent a rebate in the form of a debt card. Have you ever used one? I now know to spend the whole amount at once but GESH, how cheesy! Allstate was cheap! Sorry USAA moving car over too to save almost $600 a year. Same coverage lots of savings. AND the savings because we no longer live in Florida is amazing. Auto is half as much a year and home owners is less than $800 for the year. I couldn't believe it that is over $1000 less than Florida and we had cheap insurance in Fl. Our homeowners went up to over $3000 one year with Citizens. No wonder there are so many foreclosed houses in Florida. Insurance went up from $700 to the highest at over $3000 in a ten year period. NUTS! The federal law that will not let you get information unless your name on the bill is...

Blast Off

This weekend we did a spontaneous trip to Ellijay, GA. It was a nice weekend that ended too soon. Mark has a very flexible schedule within certain guidelines. All that to say we had a long weekend with not much to do. Living in a rental there isn't much to do and it seems like we are just waiting around for house closings to happen. We decided after a friend called and said they would be in Ellijay this weekend (only three hours from us) we decided to stalk them. On Thursday night Mark found a place to stay and we left Saturday. Only because there was supposed to be a company picnic Friday night that got rescheduled or we would have left Friday. It was a beautiful cabin in the mountains. It wasn't the easiest to get to, well leaving the cabin on our little town trips was harder. Toward the middle of the weekend when we would leave we would count down and yell "blast off". That is when Mark would floor the van just to make it up the mountain. It was not pr...


I was a little bothered at first that I am not going to be on the loan for the new house.  Not because I want to be or that I wanted to sign a ton of paper.  I will be on the title which is what matters. Here is the kicker, I don't make any money therefore I don't have to be on the loan. OUCH!  I might not make money but my contribution to this household is not so black and white.  I don't really care to sign paperwork needlessly,  it just rubbed my fur the wrong way.    There is this ornery side of me.  That was your warning.  Here it comes...... The boastful side AKA pride that wants to say, hey wait I have a masters degree. I can get a good job.  I am capable of income.  What do people think I do all day FB, blog, and eat dark chocolate.  I do have three children that have to be cared for almost 24/7, it's not like I sit around all day and do nothing.  I deserve to be on the loan even if I don't make any income. That is where GOD strikes me down and says "al...


I can't get over my "little" boy.  Other than needing a hair cut, HOW CUTE IS HE?  Yesterday a the Big Bug exhibit at the local botanical garden Nathan says to me "Can I have that?" (a map) and then says "stop guys I don't know where we are."  Look at his face!  He was intently studying the map and then said "where are we?"  I pointed to where we were and then he started to say things like, "hum?", "let me see."  He is too darn cute.  Mark and I tried not to laugh but is was funny.   At the end he admitted he didn't know which way to go.  Which we just giggled and moved along.  

Space Cowboys

This past weekend was a whirlwind.   My parents came in Friday night.  It was nice to have someone else you really know in town.  We went to the Alabama Jubilee (annual hot air balloon festival) and the US Space and Rocket Muesum and of course did the tour of Huntsville. They left yesterday after breakfast and are home safe.   Saturday morning we were able to go into our house under contract with my parents.  My realtor is so sweet and I am so happy she is so gracious.  It is nice to show someone you know your diamond in the ruff.  After our morning tour of Huntsville we went to lunch at a local restaurant that serves wings, ribs and burgers called Beauregard's.  (Mike you have to have these ribs!)  It is by far the best ribs I have had in a while.   It rained most of Saturday.  We didn't let it stop us going to the Jubilee.  It did start to rain just as they got the balloons going so they never took off.  We had fun just looking at them and having a fun picnic dinner.   Sunday...

House pictures

I am going to do a slide show with other pictures.  Hoping the inspection goes well on Wednesday.  Mark and I are really excited and get more excited everyday.  Drove by tonight on date night to stalk the neighborhood.  Silence is golden.    

Southern Charm

We made an offer (low), the owners countered (expected) and they countered exactly what I thought they would. So, unless the inspector says the house should be demolished we will be the owners of a 1965, full brick, colonial style, bi-level house the second week of July or earlier. It is on a golf course, 6th fairway. It has a pool, fireplace, an original 60's kitchen (redo), hardwood floors, two car garage and much more. We know the process is long when buying a house in this condition. It's not in deplorable shape, livable in need of some updates. It is 44 years old and has not had major updates. This house is 10 years newer than our last house. It has character and southern charm. Not perfect, but perfect for us. Photos on the web are copyrighted. Not sure If I can post them here. I will try and do a link instead......