I am happy to report that my first grader is going to second grade for reading and math. I feel like I should have taken a picture of her first day of second grade. EEKS! Oh well, life will go on. Although this is my middle child and this might be the flub that ruins her life.
She has more homework but is adjusting. We have had one incident since she started leaving her class. The nosey little boy next to her would not let it go and figured out where she was going everyday. Alex didn't want her class to know that she was going up a grade. Well this little guy is like a cat, curious. He apparently went through her desk while she was gone one day and connected the dots. Confronted her on the playground (sounds all made up but this is real). Some nasty words were exchanged something along the lines of, "so you think you are smarter than everyone here." Then started to tell the whole class where she was going. Since she was not feeling well her reaction was less than desirable. Not sure what changed in a day but she said the boy apologized a lot the next day. The teacher must have talked with him.
She has more homework but is adjusting. We have had one incident since she started leaving her class. The nosey little boy next to her would not let it go and figured out where she was going everyday. Alex didn't want her class to know that she was going up a grade. Well this little guy is like a cat, curious. He apparently went through her desk while she was gone one day and connected the dots. Confronted her on the playground (sounds all made up but this is real). Some nasty words were exchanged something along the lines of, "so you think you are smarter than everyone here." Then started to tell the whole class where she was going. Since she was not feeling well her reaction was less than desirable. Not sure what changed in a day but she said the boy apologized a lot the next day. The teacher must have talked with him.
The next step is for the powers that be to make an informed decision on if she can be moved up a grade. The reason why she is going up a grade is one to challenge her, see what she really can do, see how she gets along with the older kids. Overall to gather much needed information. I have done my part for now. I am pleased with the results and can't wait for our late April meeting. I write all this on a soap box but also to say that each parent is their child's advocate. If you will not advocate for them who will? Be that parent! Not one that makes outrageous requests but one who asks questions, collects data and then asks the powers that be what can be done. I found that approaching this from a collecting data stand point on your student and then ask what to do with your student works much better than finding research to support your wants for your kid.
Teachers are professionals and will do what is best for your student. Trust them to make the educational decisions needed. It might not be moving your kid up a grade. It might be different work in class. We did that for a while. Teachers are willing to help when you are willing to help. You are a part of this process too. Don't rely 100% for the teacher to do what is needed everyday. They have 20 to 25 kids in the class. It has taken many emails, phone calls and a lot of work at home to meet the needs of my student. I know what she doesn't know and we work on those skills.
Teachers are professionals and will do what is best for your student. Trust them to make the educational decisions needed. It might not be moving your kid up a grade. It might be different work in class. We did that for a while. Teachers are willing to help when you are willing to help. You are a part of this process too. Don't rely 100% for the teacher to do what is needed everyday. They have 20 to 25 kids in the class. It has taken many emails, phone calls and a lot of work at home to meet the needs of my student. I know what she doesn't know and we work on those skills.