Last night I was with a group of ladies that I cherish dearly. On the way home we were chit chatting and I said something about my oldest not wanting to lose at anything against her siblings. I then made a comment that she stays in her room a lot and reads. To which both ladies made comments along the lines of, "What a horrible problem to have." Jokingly but still it bothers me today. Maybe I am being over sensitive to my feelings. I often feel like I am bragging about my kids but I am not trying to brag. They are who they are and I can't change the fact my middle child skipped a grade and is still above grade level or that my oldest reads a lot. I often feel like I shouldn't talk about my kids and how they are accelerated in academics and that they love to read. Well, except my youngest he can read, but hardly ever reads at home. I wish he loved reading half as much as my oldest. Just half! I am tired of feeling like my complaints or concerns are not valid. I l...
" never know what you're gonna to get" ~Forest Gump