It is crazy when all three kids and the husband is gone how quiet it is in the house. Today was a half day of school and the kids went mountain biking with their dad. I am sitting here in silence. I did go do a little shopping, cleaned up the much neglected kitchen and I though I should use the remaining time to write in peace. I have been researching notebooks and how to organize my ideas. There is a bullet method that I am not going to adopt 100% but it looks like I will try some bits and pieces in my Camp NaNoWriMo 2017 notebook. I start a new notebook for every NaNoWriMo challenge. I will let you know how it works for me. The one idea that stood out to me is start with an index and number your pages so you can find things. I have to say this is genius and not sure why I never though of it before and I am hoping it will help me find my randomness I want later. I am researching ideas now so that come April I have a ton of ideas and websites bookmarked in ...
" never know what you're gonna to get" ~Forest Gump