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Showing posts from February, 2017

Wish Me Luck

It is crazy when all three kids and the husband is gone how quiet it is in the house. Today was a half day of school and the kids went mountain biking with their dad. I am sitting here in silence. I did go do a little shopping, cleaned up the much neglected kitchen and I though I should use the remaining time to write in peace.   I have been researching notebooks and how to organize my ideas. There is a bullet method that I am not going to adopt 100% but it looks like I will try some bits and pieces in my Camp NaNoWriMo 2017 notebook. I start a new notebook for every NaNoWriMo challenge. I will let you know how it works for me. The one idea that stood out to me is start with an index and number your pages so you can find things. I have to say this is genius and not sure why I never though of it before and I am hoping it will help me find my randomness I want later.    I am researching ideas now so that come April I have a ton of ideas and websites bookmarked in ...


They say ignorance is bliss.  Lately I have wondered if I am the only one in America that has not lost their mind.  Seriously, some people's lack of knowledge is alarming to me.  I just want to copy and paste links to YouTube, Crash Course Government onto Facebook posts and say "No honey, that is not how it works." Politics is the most frustrating for everyone but some of the things I watch insult my intelligence.  For example, Liz Warren. This woman is sneaky and I don't see why so many people like her.  When she was questioning Betsy DeVos she asked questions for her education secretary position that made me mad. One was along the lines of,  have you ever taken a student loan?  Which DeVos said she did not.  Them she asked if her children ever had a student loan or pell grant.  Which DeVos said they had not.  Now, they seem like okay questions since there is a huge rsesponsablitly to the education secretary job, right?  I disag...

Remington Rand

For some time I have wanted to own a typewriter. Within minutes of being in an antique store I saw one in decent condition. I took the price tag into my hand and let it go and walked away. The price was a little high for my penny pinching ways. My 13 year old was in awe.  She said to me, "Mommy, look!'  First of all those words are so precious to me.  I am still her mommy after 13 years and the fact that she knows my heart for anything that has to do with writing makes me smile. She also wanted the typewriter. I had already seen the price before she got my attention, because the typewriter had already gotten my attention as soon as I saw it. I told her how much it was and that I just couldn't spend the money on it. I did joke with her that maybe the purchase of this typewriter would get me that best selling book I know I have in me. A few days later I was talking to my mom that works at the antique market on occasion to help the owners on days they have doctors ap...

Not Entirely Coincidental

Today I started a new book and in the front it read, "This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental." Anyone else read this in the beginning of a book and think, LIES! I want to start my book with, "This is a work or fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or locales is not entirely coincidental because the author doesn't live in a cave without Internet, T.V. and has a life."  With that being said,  I would have to actually write a book in order for this to be in the front.  I am almost positive a publishing company would not allow my version for legal reasons.  What this all really leads to i...

Queen of Google

Day in and day out I am frustrated with myself because I didn't take the time to write.  I want to write but I find myself not writing anything but thinking about writing.  I love to read and make time for reading but I find myself often just thinking about writing and not actually writing.   I am not sure what will ever motivate me to write daily.  Being a mom to three tween/teens in a huge job.  Especially when one is being homeschooled this year.  I find myself saying things like, when the dishes are done or when the laundry is done then I will write.  Just let me check all this school work first and then I will write.  When it is quiet, I will write.  This could be why I never write.  It is never quiet in this house.   Today I have had enough.  I am not about new year resolutions but I am going to make the commitment today to write daily.  I ideally would like to write not just for the blog but novel writing. ...