They say ignorance is bliss. Lately I have wondered if I am the only one in America that has not lost their mind. Seriously, some people's lack of knowledge is alarming to me. I just want to copy and paste links to YouTube, Crash Course Government onto Facebook posts and say "No honey, that is not how it works."
Politics is the most frustrating for everyone but some of the things I watch insult my intelligence. For example, Liz Warren. This woman is sneaky and I don't see why so many people like her. When she was questioning Betsy DeVos she asked questions for her education secretary position that made me mad. One was along the lines of, have you ever taken a student loan? Which DeVos said she did not. Them she asked if her children ever had a student loan or pell grant. Which DeVos said they had not. Now, they seem like okay questions since there is a huge rsesponsablitly to the education secretary job, right? I disagree.
She was in my opinion calling out DeVos for being wealthy. I felt like the questions were to point out she is rich and privileged and doesn't understand middle class life. Liz Warren clearly doesn't understand this middle class woman. I feel like Warren thinks one has to have a loan in order to understand them. With these two questions she insulted my intelligence. I went to a community college for two years and stayed at home to go to a local university to save money. I worked many hours both in school and at work so I didn't have to have student loans, why? I knew exactly how loans worked. It's like saying you have to know how to milk a cow to know where we get milk.
I won't even go into the banking questions asked that day. Why would we want or need a banker running our education system? I doubt you will find a banker/educator for the job but apparently DeVos has neither qualifications. On a side note she is passionate about education but maybe not the best fit, certainly could be worse choices for the position.
Which leads to a soapbox, recently someone bashed President Trump on his inauguration speech when he said, "An education system flush with cash but which leaves our youth and beautiful students deprived of all knowledge." Which is a little over the top, no teacher is depriving all knowledge from their students but the person was not thinking globally when they started to spout out nonsense on Facebook. I will agree that there are a lack of funds for extras in the classroom but globally we spend way more money per student and we are not at the top of the world education system. For a system that has a lot of money per student going in, we are not doing a great job of educating. Maybe DeVos is the person to turn that around. Sorry had to get that off my chest because for almost a month I have refrained from starting a Facebook debate on our education system. So narrow minded! Sometimes things are said that are meant to be global but you're too emotional to think outside your own experience.
I feel like Warren and most politicians tear each others down by tricky and manipulative measures (see her reading a 30 year old letter about Sessions). They are all walking a very fine line in my opinion. I can't be the only one that see this for what it seems to be. Manitpulation is defined as, characiterized by unscurupoulos (having or showing no moral principles; not honest or fair.) control of a situation or person. Is that not what she did when she read an almost 30 year old letter from a woman that is no longer alive and part of a huge movement in our country that is still very emotional for us? Mrs. King can't even defend what was written or say if she still feels that way about Jeff Sessions.
I know that FB is not the place for news, what alarms me is the posting and reposting of snip-its without thinking. We know we are a nation divided. We know FB news is bad info. We have got to put a stop to it. We have to change the way this world works. I personally don't like most politicians and what our government has become. It seems to lately to breed hate and bullies both in Washington and our own backyard. I just to want encourage you to look at things for what they really are and not being told what to see. Most of the time you are seeing a 10 second clip of a much bigger picture. The best (or worst) is when the clip is cut before the person even finishes what is really on their mind. Be care little ears what you hear or don't hear. Be careful little eyes what you see. A little research will do you some good both personally and publicly.