Day in and day out I am frustrated with myself because I didn't take the time to write. I want to write but I find myself not writing anything but thinking about writing. I love to read and make time for reading but I find myself often just thinking about writing and not actually writing.
I am not sure what will ever motivate me to write daily. Being a mom to three tween/teens in a huge job. Especially when one is being homeschooled this year. I find myself saying things like, when the dishes are done or when the laundry is done then I will write. Just let me check all this school work first and then I will write. When it is quiet, I will write. This could be why I never write. It is never quiet in this house.
Today I have had enough. I am not about new year resolutions but I am going to make the commitment today to write daily. I ideally would like to write not just for the blog but novel writing. Blogging is at least getting my mind on the written word. Instead of going to FB to lollygag or Pinterest for ideas I need to just write.
During NaNoWriMo I was sucked into the world of research. I started down the slipper slope that is the internet and just wasted time. I know it takes research but I have a hard time with time management and my list of things I should do first. It is much easier for me to research and be a Google queen than actually write. It is much easier for me to do dishes and laundry even though I hate both those chores.
If googling ideas and research got words down on paper I would have a novel or two by now. I am not sure what in my mind keeps me from doing something I really want to do. I think some of it is comparing myself to great authors and thinking I am not capable of such a great masterpiece. Baby steps are not in my though process.
Today I must start with baby steps. I need to stop comparing myself to other authors and writers and just write.