CampNaNoWriMo is right around the corner. Yes, another NaNoWriMo writing challenge. This one is a little different but I love a challenge and for whatever reason they motivate me to write. CampNaNoWriMo starts April 1st, no joke! April fools, get it? No joke... Anyway, I am going back to an idea I had in 2013 and although I plan to start a new story I am going to use my notebook to get me jump started. CampNaNo is about writing anything and setting your own goals. It is also a camp like atmosphere where you have a virtual cabin of 11 other writers you can encourage or chat about writing (although in the past it seems we are all too busy writing to chat). The challenge is more self monitored and you set your goals and you can write anything, not just fiction.
My last post I told you I am looking into a new way to journal/write in my notebooks. I have always labeled my notebooks so they are easy to find later and it came in handy today. I pulled my 2013 notebook out today and started to read it for inspiration. I have some gems in that notebook. I am starting a new notebook for April and I am going to try and follow a bullet notebook idea. I am going to assign colors to character ideas, plot ideas, etc and organize it not only by color but keep a title page for the entire notebook. I'll let you know how it goes. So far I have a new set of pens and a notebook.
I am really struggling with writing everyday and letting things distract me. I told my husband today I am addicted to stupidity. I waste my time reading and doing the silliest things. I am not sure why we as a society watch for days on end a giraffe that is about to give birth. I have not been watching but I see all the shares on Facebook and all the talk of April the giraffe. I know enough to know the giraffe has a name. I seriously have to get off of Facebook. I changed my password today to a random password and logged off. I am not deleting my account but MERCY! I can't take it any more. Enough is enough. So I might miss when April has a baby and I am sure someone will talk about it at car line. I won't be the first to know, I'm okay with that fact.
April is just one of my pet peeves on Facebook. Between the political talk, fake news, the over sharing of the good life and under sharing of the bad is just as hard to watch but not hard enough to keep me from logging on. I mean you can't not tell us about your divorce and turn around and post that some fabulous man asked you to marry him. I'm sitting over here thinking, What? Who? How? It is awkward. It is hard when your Facebook friend is so far away in miles but so near to you on Facebook and you are clueless. I am like ...congrats! but what happened to Mr. #1?
Then there are the people that tag your friend in something and you are not friends with them but the post is controversial. Seriously can't take the visual and emotion stimulation anymore. People are so judgmental and hypocritical that posting something to persuade me or others is turning me into a cynical person. I clearly need a break and it is just in time for me to write and read for CampNaNoWriMo. No excuses.