The old idiom Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. This was my life today. Shame on me for letting Nathan lock himself in the bathroom not once, but twice today. Yes, twice in one day. I wish I would have video taped them both. It is comical to tell a two year old how to unlock a door from the other side of the locked door. It is not funny when it is happening. In my mind I am imagining him doing naughty stuff like unrolling all the toilet paper or actually trying to wipe himself. EEE GAD!
Our conversation sounded something like this...
Mommy: Turn the little knob in the middle
Nathan: I can't!
Mommy: Yes, you can you locked the door you can open it.
Nathan: (knocking on door) LET ME IN!
Mommy: (laughing) turn the little knob in the middle.
Nathan: Get the key.
Mommy: (laughing again) There is no key.
Mommy: (to husband) Nathan is locked in the bathroom.
Daddy: What do you want me to do?
Mommy: (simply stated) Get him out.
Daddy: Nathan turn the little knob in the middle.
Nathan: Otay, done.
Daddy: (turns knob) no your still locked in, turn the little knob the other way.
This whole charade goes on for a little until daddy gets the "key" to work. The second time he had to take the door knob off. Today I question our choice of door knobs. I think the whole door should come down. No door = no one gets locked in or out and no slamming of doors.
Nathan was crazy today. The picture is Nathan asleep in the middle of the family room. I walked through the family room around nap time and he was on the floor drinkin' his apple juice and snuggling with bubba (his blue blanket is bubba). I asked him if he was tired, he replied "NO!". The next time I walked through the family room he was asleep. NOT tired? This nap was in the middle of me being locked out of his bathroom. Getting more energy for round two. Shame on me!