Mark found this shirt at the Big Dog store and bought it for Alex right before school started. The little sun logo speaks volumes. This also happens to be her favorite shirt. Alex and I had a nice day today. She is getting over the toddler attitude in life and is starting to shine. 

Today she wanted me to do her hair in pig tail braids which is unusual for her. We did a little photo session. She is a ham. Every time I take out the camera she starts to be cheesy. She doesn't really ask me to take her picture but always starts to smile and pose. Just in case I start to click her direction.

Lately she has come home from church with her coloring sheet blank but a picture drawn on the back. After a couple of weeks I had to ask the teacher if it was okay and to see if she was doing what she was asked to do. The teacher said she doesn't care as long as she colors. I wanted to make sure she wasn't giving anyone a hard time about it. She is a nonconformist, a true artist. The one week she did color the picture I was shocked. I flipped the paper over to find words all over the back. No blank canvas for her that week. Her favorite thing to draw is a cat on the beach (I have a couple). Almost every week when I pick her up from sunday school someone has a comment about how she is a budding artist or comments on how good she colors for her age. I find these comments so sweet because that is what she loves to do.
Front Back
