I think we are going to try and plant strawberries for the winter. It isn't exactly the best time to be starting a veggie garden but Mark has the time now to do this project. We will work with what we can grow during the winter. There are some other veggies that will be fun to grow but the kids won't eat them.
In my research of what to grow and talking to my mom she was telling me about the Victory Garden, why I didn't learn this in school is beyond me. During the World Wars people planted gardens because the price of food and it was a morale booster. Funny how the simple will encourage others. My mom said everyone had a garden. Then today I was reading and article on cheap healthy choices and in the article he wrote "bring back the Victory Garden". I did a little reading about the Victory Garden and have decided that our garden is a Victory Garden.
I learned that up to 40% of food was home grown at the time and that neighbors shared food during a time of rationing and war. It amazes me how American's come together at a time of need. There were a ton of posters that encouraged people during this time to plant a garden. Propaganda at it's finest. We all need a little encouragement, right? So, my Victory Garden is for our troops, our economy, our nation, our livelihood.
Remember to VOTE tomorrow! You are an American so be proud and vote for who you think has the best moral character. Forget all the he said and she said (so cool that I can say that) and vote for who you think is best man and/or woman morally. There will be a change in Washington regardless of campaign slogans. VOTE! It is an important right and you should excise that right. FOR VICTORY!