Ten things I learned this weekend

10. I LOVE grass. Did you know that grass is a great buffer for keeping your son from kicking dirt?
9. I also love my bed.
8. Nathan can't hang with the older kids. He gave it a good American boy try, but it put him into a 14 hour comma. The poor kid slept for 14 hours last night.
7. Campfires smell great until you get home and everything smells like a campfire.
6. Raccoons fight like cats.
5. You must invested in a good sleeping bag!
4. I didn't know mosquitos got so big. I thought I was going to have to tie Nathan down so the mosquitos wouldn't carry him away.
3. My kids would rather play in the van than the woods.
2. Wild pigs like breakfast too.
1. Coming home a day early was the best idea EVER!
The kids got to dress up for Halloween but Alex said to me today, "please don't make us go camping on Halloween again".
I had a good time until about 4 pm yesterday. We have a set routine which we are flexable but Nathan didn't get enough sleep. How could he with so much going on. Lack of sleep leads to tired kids. Tired kids + Whining + Defiance = Packing up to go home. The kids weren't even happy playing on a playground yesterday. They kept asking when are we going home. Why stay if everyone is not having a great time? All three kids fell asleep on the way home and Nathan didn't woke up until morning. He didn't eat dinner and slept for 14 hours. I would say he was exhausted after only 24 hours of fun.
We did get to see a million stars, alligators, dear, a mama racoon with three babies, a wild pig, vultures, a snake, bass, two rosette spoon bill birds in flight, and lots of undeveloped Florida landscape.