Last night we did the usual bath time routine and Madison went last. The hot water ran out pretty fast but it was enough for her to bathe. About an hour and 1/2 later I went to wash my hands and I waited, and waited, and waited for hot water. Nada, nothing, not even lukewarm!
Have you ever lived life without your water heater for 12 hours, how about a day? I do believe the water heater is the most under thought of appliance in your home. At least until it doesn't work. We have used this one for 11 years and yes it did run out of hot water on occasion, but never did it not do its job. You use your water heater everyday but you rarely see it or even pay much attention to it. I will testify that I have a whole new appreciation for the water heater.
Of course I was wondering how much is this going to cost. I am so proud of Mark. Although it took him a better part of the day we have a new (bigger) and working water heater. It is only bigger because the 30 gallon cost more than the 40. Go figure. I am sure he saved us $100's of dollars today. I kidded him and asked him if I could spend the savings on Christmas. He didn't say anything. His silents means no. He didn't even kid back and say his usual "I'll split it with you". Plumbing makes Mark crabby. At least he got a hot shower when he was all done.