Saturday night his forehead bruised before I even picked him up off the floor. It bruised before it swelled up. Madison said, "Well there goes family pictures!" Who does that sound like? ME! Mark and I just laughed. Why the laughter, we aren't planning on doing family pictures any time soon. Funny girl. I went out Saturday night to a girlfriends house after the accident to finish Christmas cards and chit chat. I had to call Mark and ask him to wake him up just to make sure he didn't have a serious head injury. Dramatic I know. I did finish my cards by the way.
Mark took him to the grocery store tonight. I don't even want to take him out in public. He looks awful. Everyone keeps telling me things like, well he is a boy or yep that is a boy for you. I am starting to wonder if his rash of bad falls and bumps is an equilibrium issue? It has to be worse than being a boy! Are boys really this accident prone? Oye Ve!