Christmas is over, Maddie turned six and my house is officially for sale. Ending '08 with a BANG!

This past week has been quite a surreal experience. Christmas was low key but wonderful. Mark and I didn't exchange huge gifts but we didn't forget to get a little gift for each other. He got me three of my favorite things: french vanilla coffee, earl gray tea and dark chocolate. So simple, yet it showed me my man knows what I like. Little details that speak volumes.
This is Nathan's first Christmas where he understands a little about what is going on. He was so very cute. He would open his presents and take them across the room and put them in his pile over by the couch. He had his little area of Nathan only toys.
Madison's Webkinz party was a huge success. Everyone left with a couple of prizes. A lil'kinz with trading cards or a webkinz figure. We had a Jelly Bean Challenge, the Wheel of WOW and Quizzy's corner. We made Cupcakes just like Webkinz pink cupcakes. My kids loved doing the sprinkles. I had a great time planning and having the party. Picture is of Madison with Talia and Alexandra on her big day.
We signed papers today for the realtor to put our house on MLS starting today. We have lived here for 11 years! So much to think about and digest. We don't know where we will end up, but we know it is time for us to sell. Our journey to the unknown continues. It's funny when you tell people you are selling your house and they ask the question "where you moving?" and we say, "we don't know!". Mark says he feel like Abraham (not spiritually he added). God told Abraham to move, but didn't tell him where to go. We feel like it is time for us to move. Where we move is oblivious to us at this time.
I hope everyone had a great Christmas and wishing everyone has a great New Year!