I have been doing blog backgrounds to fill my time and learning photoshop elements. The only thing is I tend to redo them 20 times to get it just right. Easier to just upload them from Cutest Blog on the Block, but not nearly as entertaining. A plus is that my background is original. I have had a lot of fun and I might (MIGHT) do a few more St. Patrick's Day backgrounds to post so anyone can use them. I would be flattered. (even if they are ugly you all should indulge a friend.)
I am reading again, ah the love of a good book. I am feverishly reading Twilight. A teen romance novel. I am almost done with the first book, but there are three more so that should keep me busy and neglecting my responsibilities for another couple of weeks. Have you read a good book lately (not THE good book) a good book. Let me know what it was so I can continue to neglect my responsibilities and take my mind off of my mindless life right now.
Mark is flying to Huntsville, Alabama on Tuesday for an interview. HUNTSVILLE! You have to try your best to say it with a southern drawl. My neighbor thinks it is funny that I might be moving to Alabama. Now really, am I that much of a city girl? Am I going to be a city slicker? I shutter to think I couldn't handle the simply life.