Rarely do Dr tell you the whole truth about surgery, "oh you will be back to work in a few days" right!? BUT when they say it is going to hurt they aren't lying.
Alexandra has two loose teeth
I already miss taking Alexandra to art class. Might sign up both preschool kids next go round.
I miss friends and family terribly today. I think it is because Nana was here for almost a week and left today.
All three kids are sick. Same viral cold with all having different reactions. Nathan and Alexandra have pink eye, with runny noses and a slight cough. Alexandra also has an ear infection in her outer ear. Maddie is a mess and sounds like she has smoked cigarettes for 50 years. Finally got her a narcotic cough medicine so the girl can sleep. We have antibiotics, ear drops, eye drops, cough medicine and over the counter medications. Praying I don't put ear drops in the kids eyes. OYE VE!
I can't believe Thanksgiving is next week!
Can't believe Christmas is upon us!
Did I say how much I miss my friends?
We haven't gotten much done to the house because we are having a hard time getting people here. Not sure what lesson I am supposed to be learning but some of this I can't make up.
Chimney guy was going to finally be here almost two weeks ago but went to the hospital for an infection in his hand (on the day I was scheduled) Haven't hear a word from him since.
We have an awful smell coming from the downstairs bathroom and have to pay an $79 fee for the plumber that said he didn't know where it was coming from. Called another plumber for a second option. He was supposed to be here yesterday at 8 am. NO SHOW. Called him and he said he got us and another client mixed up and would not be able to get here until TUESDAY!........ scratch that he just called and said he could come in 5 minutes if that was okay with me....... YES PLEASE! So weird he called as I was typing about him.
Four must be the magic number because that is the number of times it took the roof guys to fix the roof. I think it is fixed and pray that it is fixed right this time. Over two months since I signed the contract!
Not good news on the plumbing. I see my kitchen remodel $$$ going out the door and into the plumbers pockets. OR am I getting a new kitchen faster than we planned? UGGG! Talk of having to tear out ceilings and tub in master bath. Joy of an upstairs kitchen that ties into you master bathroom. Might end up with a new master bath too. Which only means other things will have to wait.