For Mother's Day the kids got me a Hobby Lobby gift card (our local craft store) . I had already scoped out a scrap kit I was going to get, but was going to wait for the 40% coupon that comes out on Sunday. I already knew what I was going to buy with my Mother's Day gift card, Star Wars scrapbooking kit. Little did I know this was going to cause me grief. The gift that keeps on giving.
To make a short story longer, I took Alexandra out yesterday to Hobby Lobby because the girl just needed a break from Nathan. Since I am a stay at home mom they are together a lot. He is a typical little brother and was just getting on her nerves. So off we we went for some retail therapy. Just the two of us. We took our time and just looked at everything. I am starting a things to do list for summer and one is origami. The paper is not cheap. Well it isn't expensive just more than I want to spend on paper you fold up. Well, I found it for almost 1/2 off in clearance. Which is cool, but not the reason for this story.
When we got home I was showing the kids what we got and Nathan spots the Princess Leia sticker in my scrapbooking kit. He wants is bad. He was hounding me for it. I told him no it is my Mother's Day gift and I was not giving it to him. He keeps hounding me. I actually said, "No it is mine!" GASP! That is when he said something along the lines of, "you aren't going to share just one sticker....... just one?" OUCH! I told him it was for his special page in his scrapbook and when I was done he could look at it all the time. He was satisfied. Then he said, "can you scrapbook it tonight?" Good heavens!
I am all about sharing, but I do teach my kids that some things are sacred like special blankets, new toys, favorites that they don't have to share. I only think it is fair to have some sacred things. Just for you. For the most part they share, even the sacred.... BUT I am not sharing my scrapbook kit because the sticker will be ruined in five minutes flat. One day when he is all grown up I plan on giving him the sticker in his birthday scrapbook. So until then, the sticker is mine? His?