Yesterday we went to Hunsader Farm Pumpkin Festival. We had a good time. You know the old saying that less is more. I have to say that I loved the farm that we went to in NC a few years ago with our good friends that live in Raleigh. It isn't too small and it isn't too big. It seemed just right. Don't get me wrong Hunsader Farm is a great farm but when you have a great experience in your past you can't help but compare. The farm in NC was better for younger kids. Hunsader farm was bigger, lots more people and had more things to do but sometimes the quaint is just right. Check out Nathan, he is a hoot. He wasn't posing. Just taking it all in.
It was HOT! Of course a "cold" front went threw last night and it is chilly today. I once heard a radio guy say years ago "chili today, hot tamale". Funny and very true of our weather here. I'm not complaining just stating the facts.
After the farm I took Maddie to buy jeans. I had a $10 off a $10 purchase coupon for JCPenny that expired yesterday. Can't waste that! Even though I didn't feel like going shopping it is a good thing I did because she is going to need them this week. Near record lows for us this week. Don't laugh you non-Floridians high 30's, low 40's.
Speaking of weather the World Series was delayed for over and hour last night for rain. GO RAYS! You should see my van. I painted Go Rays! with window chalk all over the windows. I have only had one person honk but it is funny to see people look at me while I am driving. Anywho, we made philly cheese steaks so we could eat the competition last night. HEE HEE! Marks mom is from Philadelphia so this World Series is a once in a life time thing for us. Two "home" teams. Nathan though we were having cheese sticks (his favorite) so he was very upset when we handed him a sandwich. He didn't eat the sandwich but he did have a cheese stick. We tried to watch the game with the kids but the girls put themselves to bed before the first pitch. It was after 10 when the game started and we had a long day.
Halloween is less than a week away! I haven't even gotten the kids a costume for the Halloween camping trip. Camping? I'll let you know how that all goes.