Mark is in the process of digging up "bad" grass and replacing it with "good" grass from our next project the veggie garden. In the process of digging up the "bad" grass the kids are having a field day finding worms and other critters in the soil.

I have a passion for science. So when the kids find worms I have to make a lesson out of it. Once a teacher always a teacher. Although, I over heard a certain someone say this weekend that those who can't, teach. ERRRRR!
Back to worms. So, did you know worms have no eyes or ears? Did you know they breath through their skin? Did you know that worms hear with their whole body? They have to stay moist or they die, EEE GAD! Crazy little critters.
What do you do with worms once you catch them and put them in a bucket? Well, my kids pretend to eat them. Mark joined in the action of "eating" worms. Of course we are a catch and release family.