Nathan woke up Friday with a horrible cough. He was sick for the week before with just a runny nose. No other symptoms. By the end of the week, the day we are leaving he starts with a horrible croup like cough. So a visit to the Dr and a couple of medications later we are off to Sea World. I don't think he was up to the marathon weekend.
Friday night we went to the Shamu show to get the party started right. It wasn't until early this morning over 24 hours later that Nathan started to do the Shamu chant with the little dance. Shamu, Shamu, Shamu! He was in awe of the creatures God has made. Complete awe! I love just watching kids see things for the first time. The jaw dropping awe of nature. Nathan went on the penguin encounter three times. Not for the penguins, but for the people mover.
Then there was the scuba diver. Yes, my son could have stayed at the manatee exhibit all day. They were cleaning the manatee area and Nathan could careless about the manatee. He stood there for so long that my parents, Mark and the girls left without us. Then for the rest of the day asked to see the scuba diver.
So when kids aren't in awe they comment on things they know nothing about. Madison had people in stitches as I tried to gather up my children and leave because they got to witness dolphins mating. Nature at it unpredictable finest. Madison said as loud as she could in the echo cave aka underwater viewing area "Look they are dancing" as giggles erupted from the small underwater viewing area. She changed her mind and said out loud they were shaking tales. Yeah, okay next underwater viewing area PLEASE!
Alexandra is a tough little cookie. She is very shy and reserved most of the time. Get the girl on a ride and her whole demeanor changes. I don't think I have ever seen the girl laugh so much in one sitting. She loved this ride in the Shamu Harbor. We got to face each other on the ride and I am so glad she sat with my dad. I laughed so hard because of her reaction to the ride I was in tears. She was so happy she started to scream with joy. Which of course made everyone else laugh and giggle.