This was my first field trip with Maddie's class. They all are so cute, even the naughty ones. They ran nonstop. If I could just bundle up the energy of 14 little kindergartners and take it as needed I would be able to clean house in minutes not hours. There are only 6 girls in her class. I'm not sure how her teacher does it five days a week.
They loved throwing the hay into the wind, which got them in trouble. Pumpkins rolled off the pallets more than once. The look on the kids face when they would touch a pumpkin and it would roll was funny. Funnier was watching them try to get the pumpkins back on the pallet.
Looking around to see if anyone saw what they did. They all liked the pumpkin that had these crazy little growths on it. After they ran around the patch they got to listen to some Halloween stories and do the Monster Mash. It was a graveyard smash.
They all got to pick out and take a little pumpkin home. I was expecting the tiny little cute pumpkins, but they actually gave the kids a good size little pumpkin. Our little pumpkin is on the front porch with the little pumpkin that our Nana got us. Two cute little pumpkins sitting on a porch. A true sign of Fall.