The garden has been a little less than a victory. We are NOT the farmer type. Although we have learned a lot about the veggies we did plant. We never got to eat the romaine lettuce. Who knew that lettuce flowers and once that happens, yuck! It makes the leaves bitter. We also learned that each little broccoli is a flower bud and if you wait too long each little bud flowers and turns yellow. Again, you don't want to eat that. The zucchini and squash..... well it died. We tried to save them but just when they started to look better from the disease it froze here one night and they all died.
All Mark wanted when we put the house up for sale was one tomato. We have gotten a few red tomatoes and a dinner serving of broccoli. The broccoli is about ready for harvest again. It has been a learn experience. The kids love it! 
