We decided to throw a party for Nathan before daddy leaves for Alabama. For a few reasons, first we wanted to see as many as we could before we leave and second Nathan's birthday is the end of April in which we will have zero friends around us by then.
We got to see 40+ of our closest friends and family and it was a blast! I'm not sure how we are blessed to have so many great friends and they will be missed! HUMBUG! I can't even type without getting teary.
I don't think one person read the "no gifts please". Nathan is very grateful for those that chose to ignore it or just don't care. For those that got the girls something too, Thanks! I on the other hand have to pack more stuff. ERRRR!
I have to say Nathan put on quite a show. I have one friend that can relate. 1 baby boy + 2 older sisters = HAM! He is a hoot and is great for a laugh or five hundred in a day. We all love our baby that is turning three. Poor guy will always be my baby boy!
Nathan was very excited about the party and changed his mind a hundred times but once the picked the Spider-man cake that was it. Spider-man? What is the fascination? He really has no clue, but Spider-man it was. He really wanted to "whack" a pinata. I spent $22.99 on an empty pinata! Why so much for paper in the shape of a super-hero? 