Ada you will love this...

Madison loses her tooth yesterday on the way home from school. I am so excited, I take a picture as soon as she gets out of the van and post it everywhere and email it to family. I clean it off and put it in a zip lock (easier to find under the pillow, right?) and we tuck it under the pillow and we all, ALL fall asleep.
Madison wakes up at 5:30 AM and says to me, "I can't see if the tooth fairy left me anything". PANIC stricken. I FORGOT THE TOOTH FAIRY JOB! Okay this is my only job on earth. I can't remember to exchange cash for a baby tooth. I send her to the couch and tell her it is too early that she has to try and go back to sleep.
I grab Marks elbow and he says to me, "it is only 5:30". He was awake and heard her too. We both lay in silence for 30 minutes hoping she falls asleep. Funny thing is once we talked to each other thirty minutes later, both of us were in bed formulating a plan. He wanted to sneak out our french doors and into the front door and get the job done (I thought of that one too). I told him a this point it would be better to pretend to do his morning computer routine and then "check" on Alex and Nathan.
Then I am laying in bed at 6 AM too early for me to get up and I don't want to make it obvious to Madison (if she is awake) that something is going on. If she is awake she will want to get up too. I get up to get my itouch out of my purse to email Mark to see if the plan worked. I was under the covers emailing Mark at 6:05 to make sure the tooth fairy got the job done. Then I remember it is Saint Patrick's Day. I always... I mean the leprechauns always turn our milk green. So, I'm under the covers again to email Mark. I can't risk her seeing me on the ipod, it lights up the whole room. I had to giggle. I am a grown woman under my covers in the 6 AM hour emailing my husband in the other room to hide our lies!! ALL LIES! Shameful uh?
Madison got her cash, the milk was green and all is one with the universe. She is a riot. She was surprised that the milk tasted the same. She even made me taste it. She then said today was her luckiest day ever! Tooth fairies and leprechauns all in one morning. Hard work. I told her she was lucky the Leprechaun didn't take her cash. If she only knew the truth. Lucky she woke up at 5:30 AM and fell back to sleep on the couch. OYE VE!