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NaNoWriMo & Pinterest

I want to tell you how I use Pinterest to help me write.  I am going to be honest, Pinterest usually doesn't help a ton but it is a fun place to go when I am having writers block or discouraged.

Everyone has secrets. I have secret boards. Pinterest has a secret board option and I have a few. I only pin things there that pertain to a story line I am working on at the time. For example, a few years back I had an elaborate party to plan for my fictional characters 16th birthday. I created a special board and pinned everything I could that was related to the theme. It helped me describe what the room looked like, food idea, invites, etc. You may not use the details from what you find but it is fun to plan a fictional party via Pinterest.  

With this fictional party planning I must warn you of something you already know,  Pinterest is a time warp. It can be a cyber blackhole where you are engulfed in pretty pictures and time vanishes. Time that you need to be writing not looking at a virtual picture book of ideas. Now is the time to be lured into this hole and start planning.  Not in November.  

Boards I have on Pinterest include: 

NaNoWriMo : I try and post writing techniques on this page.  How to's 
NaNoWriMo + year: This has ideas for the current year story (secret boards) 
Writing Inspiration: Quotes about writing.  All for encouragement.  

My secret boards are secret but I will tell you that one is all beach pictures. One is teen related, because my books tend to lean toward YA.  My way to keep up with todays teen but not something I want the world to see. I guess I don't want people to think I am desperately hanging onto my youth so I just pin those where only I can see them.  

It is funny to what you find on Pinterest. People will comment, "This is for writing purposes". Topics on how to kill a person or other taboo topics. I have never stabbed someone or been stabbed so what if one of my characters needs to be stabbed? Pinterest to the rescue! There are a ton of infographics out there. I love them. If your character has a drug addiction, I am positive there is an infographic on drug users. 

If you can dream it, you can find it on the internet. I don't think any of my searches have come back 100% void of information. They say there is nothing new under the sun and my google searches pretty much confirm that saying.  When you find it, pin it.  If you don't you will not be able to find it again, Murphy's law of pinning.  

You only have 15 more days to pin.  


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