I have been wanting to get this out for days! CAR CIRCLE is a crazy phenomena that happens Monday thru Friday, minus holidays and summer. For some reason come 2:20 pm local time 650 kids lose all sense of direction, how to get into a vehicle, and how to buckle a seat belt. They act as if they have never gotten into a car before. It is the biggest comedy of errors one can ever witness. Backpacks and lunches boxes end up in places that I just can't understand. All this with hundreds of other parents, grandparents, or car pool drivers waiting to pick up there sweet little mindless zombies.
Everyday I leave with a new rule. Monday rule: oldest gets in last, Tuesday rule: try to get to school before the lady that falls asleep in car circle and forget Monday rule, Wednesday rule: teachers shouldn't hold kids after the bell. I'm sure there will be a rule tomorrow.
I'm timing us to see how long it takes to get out of the car circle. Over 6 minutes from bell time to last kid in the car today. 6 minutes? I was one of the first in the car circle. I'm thinking it should be under 5. Come on troops this is WAR! Shape up or I shipping out without you. I am really not going to leave anyone behind but that is the pressure I feel in the car circle. It is a war like feeling. Get in and out or you might get shot. I was afraid to beep at the lady that was sleeping yesterday. Fear! I am not cut out for this war called car circle.