I have never cared about recession until this one. Apparently during the last recession I didn't notice a thing. Probably because we were living the DINK lifestyle (dual income no kids). I don't even think I had my own 401k at the time. Anyway, Mark for the past two years has worked for a pool manufacture. Do you know anyone in the past year that has put in a pool? Probably not. This is the reason why he isn't working. The pool industry is all dried up. (I couldn't help the pun.)
Although we knew the pool cash cow wouldn't last forever, it did last for over two years. Two years at the beginning of Nathan's life that Mark was able to be here at home. He got to see his son grow up from a baby to a little boy. What a blessing. That chapter of our lives is coming to an end.
Mark is now looking for a "9 to 5" job. Two years ago we said when and if the pool job ended Mark would look for a job outside of our area. Well, the time has come and we are ready for change. We have narrowed down moving to three major areas in the southeastern United States and Mark has applied for jobs in two of the three cities. The third is our very last choice so we are being picky about it for now, because we can. Only God know where we will end up from here.
We have had realtors out to the house to tell us what we already researched and knew. We probably will put our house on the market in January. Both realtors said houses are selling within the 4 to 6 month range if priced right. Some people are still asking 2006 prices. UM, HELLO? I figure you sell low you buy low. Unless you sold in 2006 and rented until now it doesn't seem to matter at this point.
My life is going to change in more than one way. I feel like I am a better mom when he is around. He keeps me balanced and when I feel like I am going to lose it because all three kids are pulling me in different directions he has been here to do whatever is needed. I am dreading car circle with Nathan in tow, sounds like world war three to me. I usually put him down for his nap and he sleeps while Mark works in our home office. I can't do that if Mark is at work. Little things that make a huge difference.
There is so much to ponder yet we really don't know what is next. Mark could get a job here, there or anywhere. We can only sit and wait and have all our ducks lined up ready to waddle. This is the first time EVER we have been unemployed. Kinda scary because of the economy, yet exciting with all the different possibilities. My profession is recession proof, I can go back to teaching if needed. They are always looking for teachers right?