Mark starts his new job this morning. It took him almost 12 hours to get there yesterday. Without the kids! EEE GAD! We have quite a trip ahead of us in less than two weeks.
We still don't know where we are going to live but Mark starts going to the rentals tomorrow. We have narrowed it down via internet and email with the realtor. Please pray he finds something so we can be together soon. Also, we haven't had any action on our house in three weeks. We even dropped the price. We haven't had one phone call for someone wanting to look. I know it will all work out, but wishing it would be sooner than later.
I am packing slowly but surely. I look around and say, "well there isn't that much to do". Then I start opening doors and drawer and say to myself "where did all this stuff come from?". Not sure what to pack next. Seems this week might be toys and nonessential belongings and narrow down to what we will need for the next two weeks.
Please continue to pray for us. It seems like getting a job was just the beginning!
God Bless