Happy Anniversary to my parents that got married today many moons ago. Congratulations for over 30 years of marital bliss.

I know why you should have a realtor. Too many emotions. The people that looked out our house put it in their top 3 choices and today they go back to their other 2 choices. We will see what happens. I feel a low offer coming our way, if we get an offer at all.
Do you know how much work it is to keep a house walk thru ready? I feel like we worked all day to get out for an hour and then we came home and trashed the place.
Tomungus, Nathan's new word. What it means I'm not quite sure, but he thinks it is funny. He says humongous and ginormous a lot so I think he just said one wrong.
The veggie garden is growing wild. We have tiny tomatoes, squash, zucchini and broccoli. I kinda hope we can get some veggie before we move. If not I will have to start another garden the kids love it and it keeps them busy watering it. Playing in
water and water plants what is more fun than that? Answer: Seeing veggies grow.
The big black container is a rain barrel. It is the best $50 we spent. We actual got it before the garden. It is so nice to use on the veggies. Watering for free and staying green. It is right under or gutter spout so when it rains we collect free water. The kids love to turn it on and off. It is slow moving water but its free and slow means we are outside just a little longer.
Look at our little tomato and squash. So cute!