What do you really need for NaNoWriMo? I like using my Mac and Microsoft Word. It is that plain and simple. A computer, text editing program and time will get you 50,000 words.
Some people do hand write their novel during NaNoWriMo, or so I hear. I know I will not hand write my novel. Then you have to count all those words. My fingers and hands can't do it. It is painful to type at times but hand writing is more painful to me. Plus, my procrastination side will never count handwritten words.
I started to write this blog many hours ago (now yesterday). It also happens to be the weekend and my computer guy (by computer guy I mean my husband) decided to help me find some storage space on my hard drive today. I would love a new Mac Book Pro but that is not in the budget and I really don't have time to learn a new computer days before NaNoWriMo.
About a week ago I started to get start up memory warnings on my computer. Not what a girl wants to see two weeks before NaNoWriMo. Two important things come to mind with this warning on my computer. One have a backup plan for if your computer decides to act up. Two is most important, BACK UP YOUR WORK! I put mine an a flash drive, an external hard drive and email it to myself on occasion.
Saturday mornings post painfully became Sunday night. The good news is I have 23 more GB of storage on my computer and hopefully I don't manage to turn on any more podcasts that take up valuable space, download things and leave them in limbo or double upload pictures from my camera, oops. Most of my pictures are now backed up on two different external hard drives.
About a week ago I started to get start up memory warnings on my computer. Not what a girl wants to see two weeks before NaNoWriMo. Two important things come to mind with this warning on my computer. One have a backup plan for if your computer decides to act up. Two is most important, BACK UP YOUR WORK! I put mine an a flash drive, an external hard drive and email it to myself on occasion.
Saturday mornings post painfully became Sunday night. The good news is I have 23 more GB of storage on my computer and hopefully I don't manage to turn on any more podcasts that take up valuable space, download things and leave them in limbo or double upload pictures from my camera, oops. Most of my pictures are now backed up on two different external hard drives.