I am so glad the day I had today happened on October 30th and not November 1st. I have a simple life so there is no excuse to not write but today was a little out of control. Today was a freaky Friday. It was a perfect example of expect the unexpected I talked about this week.
I am going to try and sum it up as fast as possible.
I had lots of things I had to do today because well, I procrastinate sometimes. Not intentionally. Time gets away from me fast some weeks. I think it is part of the simple life. I sometimes have too much time on my hands so I tend to be too flexible with how I spend some of my time which leads me to trouble. Just being honest. Having a kid home of Tuesday didn't help the need to get things done. Hard to shop when you have a sick kid home from school.
My husband last night said, "What is wrong with the dog's eye?" I looked at it and didn't think much until this morning when there was clearly something wrong. So after I drop off the kids I call the vet and get a morning appointment. $130ish later the dog has two medications and is not happy with me (or the vet tech) and I lost over an hour of my day. Doing something that needed to get done but not planned.
I needed to go buy flooring for our downstairs room. The family owned business is great except they really like to talk. My husband after three visits still had not placed an order. They talked him into taking samples home for my approval, I guess. I am not sure what happened but at that point it turned into a coin toss to see who gets to go and order flooring. I won? I lost? Anyway, I had to do that today too. I actually set a timer to see how long it would take, 23 minutes. Not too bad, but I knew what I wanted and was the only person in the store. I ran some other small errands while I was out and came home to eat lunch.
This afternoon I get a phone call. This one was a zinger. Someone called me and asked me if I would be interested in my dream job. I can't explain much because it is not official but I might be going back to work. Craziest part is I said to my husband this morning, "I feel like I need to go back to work." This is the kind of job I always asked, "how to you get that job?" I know how but hard to process not applying for a job but getting a job offer.
So in all my excitement and calling my peeps to see if this is something I should pursue my oldest calls me from school. Sick! Seriously can a woman have a Monday on a Friday? I still hadn't done everything I needed to do. All this during the time I usually write. So here it is 10:15 PM, 13 to 14 hours after I usually write. This is what has to be done during NaNoWriMo. When your Friday becomes a Monday you have to still write.
I don't have time to edit. I must go to bed. Posting anyway.