Yesterday morning Mark was gone and I had to do morning routine by myself. I know some of you are saying "I do morning routine everyday by myself, what is the big deal?" Well, I don't and when you are in a pattern it is hard to adjust and remember everything. Especially when you aren't prepared, let me explain...
First Mark called at 7 am to make sure we got up in time. Good thing, we were all still asleep. So, I get my sleepy eyed self out of bed and stumble to the girls room to wake up Madison. She wasn't in her bed! So of course I start yelling her name. No answer. I yell louder and I hear her voice (thank god) coming from the family room. She got on the couch at some point in the night and fell asleep. Not a great way to start your day. Your oldest not in bed where she is supposed to be. Can you say heart failure?
Madison has a field trip this Thursday. I was supposed to turn in this past Thursday with payment. Since we are in constant keep the house clean mode and I put it somewhere and didn't have the visual reminder to send it back. Of course she reminds me Thursday after school with no school Friday or Monday. Since it is Tuesday morning and go back to school day I realize I am trying to get things together way too late. Why did I wait until the morning of going back to school? This is so not like me.
I am on the hunt for field trip slip when I stubble across the family homework assignment that is not done that is due when Madison gets to school! It is 7:45 am and car pool is here in 10 mintues! Since we go to a fundamental school there is no wiggle room for excuses. I'm busy and I forgot or turning it in late just doesn't fly. Thank god she is only in kindergarten and for hot glue guns. Snowman finished in record time. Since I am a crafty person we had everything we needed. He was actually very cute. I made Madison swear she wouldn't tell her teacher we did it 10 minutes before she left for school.
Car pool pulls up as I am getting the snowman into her homework folder and EEE GAD I forgot to make her lunch! Too busy looking for the permission slip and doing homework at the nth minute. I run to my room and I am so thankful for the last two dollars in my purse. I send her to school with lunch money which gets me out of driving 20 minutes to her school to bring her lunch.
Madison is now off to school and I have about 20 to 25 realtors coming in 2 and 1/2 hours. I finish the last minute details making beds, cleaning up breakfast and we leave to go to my mom's for an hour or so. I pick up McDonald's and we watched history on TV. I did get to hear some of the presidents speech. Once we left my mom's house it was time to get Madison at school. Off to war, I mean car circle.
After school I asked Madison what she got for lunch. I am horrified to find out she couldn't find her money in her backpack. The only thing in the front pocket of her backpack I might add. She didn't get a full lunch and didn't get the main course. Once we get home I have to make her a sandwich because she is hungry. I now owe school $1.75 for a partial lunch. I should have just brought her lunch. Lesson learned.
So the day ends with a mandatory PTA meeting at 7 pm, no kids allowed. Mark may or may not be home on time so I call reinforcement. Daddy does get home in time, but there is mutiny when I suggest I should call grandma and let her know she doesn't have to come. Tears! All three in tears as daddy walks in the door after being gone overnight. I call Karen just to let her know Mark is home, but she still has to come. She was on her way anyway so at least the mutiny is under control. What a day! It was non stop crazy little things. I went to bed with a headache.
I always enjoy reading your stories! You have a great way of making the mundane hilarious to read! I can relate to the story about Madison's lunch money and homework! About selling your home, "I have been there done that!" TWICE! I pray you find your buyer.